City Councilors, including mayoral candidates, come out against Home Rule petition

City Councilors, including mayoral candidates, come out against Home Rule petition

A strongly worded letter released this morning and signed by seven city councilors, including the two mayoral candidates, opposes the Home Rule Petition that is docketed by another 14 candidates. This suggests that even if the petition passes the city council, it may run into trouble with the new mayor, no matter who

What’s wrong with this picture?

What’s wrong with this picture?

While walking in West Newton on our way to Mango Thai Cuisine (my daughter loves their summer rolls) I came across the bike rack pictured here. While I really appreciate the sentiment, it would be nice if the bike rack was actually usable.  For those of you who...
Where were they popular?

Where were they popular?

Keeping in mind that as a primary, turnout is lower than the regular election, I was curious how the three major candidates did in each Ward. I have the precinct data if anyone is interested, and I’m not sure there are too many surprises here. The precinct data...

Retail in Newton’s Villages

Whether it’s Washington Place, Austin Street, Elm Street, Upper Falls or even a smaller project in Nonanutm, most of the major redevelopment happening in Newton includes some level of retail. Skeptics point to the vacant storefronts in the villages, or those...