Grab & Go is a winner

I want to offer praise for Mayor Fuller’s Grab & Go free breakfast and lunch program, where folks–no questions asked–can pick up meals weekdays from 10:00 a.m. to noon at Newton North High School, Newton South High School or 150 Jackson Road....

VIDEO: Watch NewTV’s election night interview with Mayor Fuller here

NewTV’s election night coverage Tuesday began with a wide ranging interview with Mayor Ruthanne Fuller where she discussed Webster Woods, NewCAL, Newton Power Choice, Northland, Riverside and other developments (including breaking news about a residential tower at Chestnut Hill Square) and zoning (along with what types of development projects might be proposed in the future).

This same video also includes interviews with Gail Spector and a BU student journalist, School Committee member Steve Siegel, City Council President Marc Laredo and Councilor Cheryl Lappin, following by election results and analysis. 

Quid pro quo?

Quid pro quo?

The Mayor is scheduled to deliver her proposed Capital Improvement Plan to the City Council today. The last CIP contained an item for replacement of Gath Pool, but many years into the future. There is no question that Gath–an important community...

Well done, Mayor.

I didn’t want to miss this chance to say that I thought that Mayor Fuller’s current update has an exceptionally clear and complete summary of the eminent domain process for taking Webster Woods.
BC says employees, alumni will punish Fuller for efforts to take Webster Woods

BC says employees, alumni will punish Fuller for efforts to take Webster Woods

Both the Globe and Newton Patch take deep dives this morning into Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller’s efforts to take 17 acres of Webster Woods from Boston College by eminent domain.

The Globe’s John Hilliard revisits the decision to by then Mayor Setti Warren to pass up a chance to purchase the woods when Congregation Mishkan Tefila was first looking to sell it.

“We reached out to the city, but they didn’t show any interest,” said Steven Kaitz, one of three co-presidents of the congregation.

And Patch’s Jenna Fisher quotes Boston College spokesperson Jack Dunn who says ts Fuller will

Confirmation bias strikes City Hall

Confirmation bias strikes City Hall

Confirmation bias–“the tendency to interpret new evidence as confirmation of one’s existing beliefs or theories”–is a cognitive error often found in the world of medicine. It occurs when a doctor rather quickly reaches a conclusion as to...
Now, what about the fields?

Now, what about the fields?

With the recent talk about Webster Woods and NewCAL, it is notable that there has been no discussion with regard to the maintenance of the playing fields in Newton. A not-so-secret observation by those us who regularly see and use the fields as players, coaches,...