Dueling ‘sanctuary city’ ordinances headed to Newton City Council


Last Thursday, Mayor Setti Warren, Police Chief David MacDonald and City Council President Scott Lennon  filed an ordinance to address concerns how police and city officers interact with undocumented immigrants.

One day later, seven city councilors filed a different “sanctuary city” ordinance.

The TAB’s Jonathan Dame explains the differences here.

Steve Grossman will “support Setti Warren for governor 100%,” if he runs

Former state treasurer and 2014 candidate for governor Steve Grossman told the State House News Service that he would back Setti Warren’s run for governor, should the mayor decide to run. 

From the story:

“I will support Setti for governor 100 percent” if he decides to run, Grossman said. He said, “I like Setti. I believe in Setti. He has been an outstanding mayor. I think he did what he said he was going to do.”