Northland to present plan to finance four shuttle bus routes

Northland to present plan to finance four shuttle bus routes

The City Council’s Land Use Committee will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 15 at 7 p.m. at Newton City Hall to hear about Northland’s much-anticipated transportation plan for its project at Needham and Oak Streets. 

Northland is proposing a variety of traffic mitigation remedies, including limiting residential parking to one space per unit and funding new and improved bike and pedestian paths.

But the most significant part of the plan is a proposal to operate and fund a shuttle system that would be open to public use at

VIDEO: Northland’s presentation (and Cypress Tree vote)

Tuesday’s Land Use Committee meeting had two interesting agenda items on its agenda – the presentation of the Northland project and the final committee vote on Cypress Tree, the proposed medical marijuana clinic on Route 9 — and, thankfully, NewTV recorded it all!


  • The Cypress Tree debate and vote starts at the 27:45 mark
  • The Northland presentation begins at the 72:55 mark
First of many public hearings on Northland project set for Sept. 25

First of many public hearings on Northland project set for Sept. 25

Although Northland has already “participated in over one hundred meetings with its neighbors, community groups and city planners” the the City Council’s Land Use Committee will begin formally reviewing the proposed Needham Street project on Sept. 25, John Hilliard from the Globe reports.

Developers are proposing 822 apartments, including 123 affordable units, plus 193,000 square feet of office space and 237,000 square feet of retail space.

The development also would include