by Greg Reibman | Jul 16, 2019 | Newton Police, West Newton |
I don’t typically write about my daily life here, but this story is too good to pass up.
My wife and I drove to West Newton last Saturday. We parked in front of Harris Cyclery and went to the Farmers Market, followed by L’Aroma and then Sweet Tomatoes. All in all, it was a flavorful way to spend part of our Saturday.
But when we got back to my car, about 90 minutes later, there was an unsigned note on my dashboard from a good citizen saying my car was
by Greg Reibman | May 17, 2019 | Newton, Ruthanne Fuller, Washington Street Corridor, West Newton |
Mayor Fuller released this statement today… This morning I sent a request to the City Council to authorize the purchase of the West Newton Armory Building and land at 1135 Washington Street just outside West Newton Square. The City of Newton is being...
by Greg Reibman | May 15, 2019 | Newton people, West Newton |
The Franklin School PTO has created a Go Fund Me campaign to benefit the family David Schultz, the West Newton resident who died unexpectedly during a triathlon in Hopkinton State Park last weekend. He leaves behind a nine-year-old son with Down Syndrome and two six...
by Chuck Tanowitz | May 10, 2019 | City Council elections, West Newton |
In a letter to constituents late Friday, Ward 3 Councilor Barbara Brousal-Glaser announced that she will not run for another term. Glaser was first elected in 2014 (back when we had a Board of Alderman) and has served Ward 3 since. She currently serves on the...
by village14 | Apr 17, 2019 | Affordable housing, Newton, West Newton |
From Mayor Ruthanne Fuller’s budget announcement:
I am excited to announce that we will explore preserving the National Guard Armory building on Washington Street at the edge of West Newton Square and repurposing it as 100 percent affordable housing so more people of modest means can make this good city of Newton their home. The commonwealth is willing to sell the building to the city for $1 only if it is used for affordable housing, a use in which I believe deeply, and which also allows the city to control what happens to this important building.
Patch’s Jenna Fisher has more here.
by Greg Reibman | Apr 2, 2019 | West Newton |
Rockport in West Newton is looking for you!
by village14 | Mar 15, 2019 | Newton, Newtonville, Washington Street Corridor, West Newton |
The Globe’s John Hilliard explores the proposal for park decks over the Mass Turnpike in West Newton and Newtonville that’s part of the Hello Washington Street visioning process.
Under proposed zoning for the area, developers would be able to build commercial buildings of up to 10 stories by special permit, but would also have to contribute to a fund to help support construction of the park decks, as well as improvements to the city’s commuter rail stations, [City Councillor Susan Albright] said.
by Julia Malakie | Mar 4, 2019 | Newton Corner, Newtonville, Washington Street Corridor, West Newton, zoning |
Before even getting to the substance of the content, my first comment on the second draft of the Washington Street “Vision” was on the difficulty of actually reading it. Maybe it works better on one of those huge double-wide computer screens (anyone got...
by Chuck Tanowitz | Mar 3, 2019 | Washington Street Corridor, West Newton, zoning |
Last week in West Newton the city held a discussion around the changes both proposed and underway for the village center. Unfortunately, I had a previous engagement and couldn’t make it, though I listened to much of the conversation through the Facebook feed. ... by Greg Reibman | Feb 13, 2019 | Newton Corner, Newtonville, Washington Street Corridor, West Newton |
The Washington Street Corridor visioning project, Hello Washington Street, [Facebook page here] has moved into its second phase. Here’s the updated vision plan and here’s a link to the second draft exploring the proposed zoning. You can add comments to... by village14 | Dec 29, 2018 | Newton, Newton Highlands, Newton people, West Newton |
Very sad to report to that Newton has lost John O’Hara, who co-owned Paddy’s Public House in West Newton and O’Hara’s Food & Spirits in Newton Highlands with his brother Karl.
by village14 | Nov 10, 2018 | West Newton |
The Annual Holiday Bazaar & Soul Food Fried Chicken Dinner Fundraiser is happening at the Myrtle Baptist Church in West Newton on Saturday Nov. 10. Here’s the details: The Holiday Bazaar is from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Vendors will be selling wonderful merchandise...