| Newton MA News and Politics BlogIn a letter to constituents late Friday, Ward 3 Councilor Barbara Brousal-Glaser announced that she will not run for another term. Glaser was first elected in 2014 (back when we had a Board of Alderman) and has served Ward 3 since. 

She currently serves on the Programs & Services committee as well as Zoning and Planning. 

The full text of her note is below. 

This is likely to be an interesting race, as Ward 3 is a key area in how Newton will look in the future. West Newton Square is at the heart of many changes, including the vision from Hello Washington Street, changes in city zoning and is an early beneficiary of the city’s plan to revitalize village centers. 

Dear Constituents,

I am writing to say that I have decided not to run for re-election to the Newton City Council in the November 2019 elections. 

I am proud of my time on the council supporting environmental action and regulation, pushing for more affordability in housing developments, and trying to take a deliberate, measured approach on all council issues.  I look forward to the next seven months which will surely be busy in Programs and Services, and VERY busy in Zoning and Planning.

I have learned so much from my constituents and neighbors, and from all the people who volunteer countless hours on the Boards and Commissions of Newton.

I will leave with deep respect for the professionalism of the city’s department heads and their staffs, and the Mayor and her team. A big hats off to my colleagues on the council, many of whom toil untold hours for this city. I want to take this opportunity to thank my family, too, who for the last five years have supported this work and spent so many evenings without me. 

I hope you all stay involved and politically active. See you at the farmer’s market!

All the best,
Barbara Brousal-Glaser