Video: Newton Public Schools forum on vaping

Vaping: The Growing Youth Health Epidemic from NewTV on Vimeo.

On Tuesday, April 2, Newton Public School Superintendent David Fleishman held a forum on the vaping epidemic among youth. The evening included a panel of speakers providing health, wellness, and prevention education on the topic of vaping. Attorney General Maura Healey provided the keynote for the event. Medical experts and NPS educators also gave information, insight, and education for families and community members.

For more information about the panelists, visit the following link:

Fuller: Schools could ‘manage’ Northland, Riverside, Riverdale & Chestnut Hill Sq projects

In addition to releasing a statement today regarding the MBTA’s proposed bus changes, Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller also shared these thoughts regarding the Newton Public Schools latest enrollment projections. (bold added below for emphasis)

The school enrollment forecast is critical, and it’s done thoughtfully, seriously and in-depth each year.

The Enrollment Analysis Report in November and the Enrollment Planning and Class Size Report issued this week show that while we have to