by Adam Peller | Jul 13, 2017 | Mayor's race, Newton |
Couldn’t help but notice this star-spangled video on my Twitter feed. Eli Katzoff, owner of a video production company, has already introduced himself on another thread. What does he bring to this race? His website is short on details, but there are a few issues listed, some familiar some not so much.
by Greg Reibman | Jul 12, 2017 | City Council elections, Elections, Mayor's race, School Committee |
It’s been a while since I stopped by the city clerk’s office to see if anyone new has pulled papers to run for mayor, city council or school committee recently. Here’s what I discovered that I don’t believe has been previously reported, Julia...
by Greg Reibman | Jun 14, 2017 | Candidate columns, Mayor's race, Ruthanne Fuller |
Village 14 is inviting all candidates for mayor, city council or school committee to submit a single guest column between now and Aug 1.
I’m running for Mayor because there’s a lot at stake for Newton – for our schools, for our neighborhoods and village centers, and for our taxpayers.
Our next Mayor must build on the strong tradition of progressive leadership to ensure all residents have access to the great schools and livable neighborhoods that make this a special place to live.
Our next Mayor must prepare responsibly for the financial and strategic challenges to come.
Most of all, our next Mayor must listen, to give citizens in all parts of Newton – from the Lake to Oak Hill, and all parts in between – a voice in the decisions that
by Greg Reibman | Jun 13, 2017 | Mayor's race, Newton |
TAB reporter Laura Lovett ask City Councillors Scott Lennon, Amy Sangiolo and Ruthanne Fuller “what sets them apart from their peers.”
by Greg Reibman | Jun 5, 2017 | Elections, Mayor's race |
Eight years ago, the last time Newton voters were faced with an open seat in the corner office — a contested field that included two aldermen, a state rep and two outsiders — was pretty much the only thing Newton political junkies and activists wanted to...
by Gail Spector | May 26, 2017 | Mayor's race, Scott Lennon |
No great surprises here, but, still, Scott Lennon has now earned the endorsements from the Newton Police, Firefighters and Teachers’ unions. Here’s the press release: Newton Police Association endorses Scott Lennon for Mayor, joins teachers and...
by Gail Spector | May 16, 2017 | Mayor's race, Scott Lennon |
According to Jenna Fisher at Newton Patch, the Newton Teachers Association has endorsed Scott Lennon for mayor. From the article: Teacher’s Union President Mike Zilles explained that Lennon’s stands on state-wide issues were an important part of endorsing...
by Greg Reibman | May 15, 2017 | Mayor's race |
Discovered while waiting to pick up some take out from Dumpling House on Mothers Day. I have no idea if its positive or negative, but it’s a nice photo!
by Greg Reibman | May 2, 2017 | Mayor's race, Newton |
Let’s start by saying that I have no idea what this means except that it’s, well, very odd. So here goes.
The TAB’s Laura Lovett has a brief interview this week with Rich Saunders, who recently announced plans to run for mayor. Here’s an except:
Saunders is originally from Methuen and moved to Newton three years ago. He has had several careers including
by Greg Reibman | May 1, 2017 | Mayor's race |
On the first day that papers were available, City Councilor and mayoral candidate Ruthanne Fuller tweets today that she has obtained the necessary signature to be on the ballot.
by Greg Reibman | May 1, 2017 | Elections, Mayor's race |
Welcome to the official start of the 2017 municipal election season. Today is the first day that candidates can pull papers to run for mayor, city council, school committee and area council. Every job is open and awaiting your candidacy. If you’re running,...
by Greg Reibman | Apr 28, 2017 | Mayor's race |
And now there are four candidates running for mayor of Newton this fall
Rich Saunders, a self-declared “long-shot candidate,” was among the group of candidates in attendance at the Newton League of Women Voters “Don’t Just Stand There…Run!” event last night. Rich said he wasn’t quite ready to formally announce yet, but he’s