It’s been a while since I stopped by the city clerk’s office to see if anyone new has pulled papers to run for mayor, city council or school committee recently. Here’s what I discovered that I don’t believe has been previously reported,
Julia Malakie, a Village 14 blogger and a well-know tree enthusiast, is once again running at-large from Ward 3. The difference this year is that long time councilor Ted Hess-Mahan is not seeking reelection. The other Ward 3 at large councilor Jim Cote is running and so is challenger Andrea Kelley.
A slew of folks from Ward 1 have pulled papers for various offices, where Scott Lennon is vacating his seat and Ward Councilor Alison Leary is running at large. Already certified to be on the ballot for Leary’s ward seat is Franco Cedrone and Nicole Castillo is set to run at-large. Meanwhile, former alderman and perennial council candidate Allan J Ciccone, has pulled papers for both city council (not sure if at large or not) and school committee. Also pulling papers for Ward 1 seats (again it’s not always clear if at-large or not): Siobhan Cunningham, Maria Greenberg, Janet Sterman and for school committee: Kathleen Marchi.
Also, there will be another contested at-large contest in Ward 2 with new comer Braden J. Houston certified to run (but with a still secret web site)
Finally, someone named Eli Katzoff (who may or may not be this guy) has pulled papers for mayor.
I only know a few of the folks here but it’s exciting to see so many people interested in serving our city. Still, if I don’t know you, I assume many others don’t either. Please introduce yourself in the comments section now.
And if I’ve missed anyone, tell us who you are why you’re running too.
Last day for filing papers is July 25th
at 5pm. Julia is the first Newton Villages Alliance candidate to pull papers. Two weeks is still plenty of time to get enough signatures to get on the ballot. I’m guessing there may be one or two more candidates. I could be wrong.
Unless you count Councilors Yates and Cote who ran on their slate last time. Also, as we’ve previously reported here Kathleen Kouril Grieser has also pulled papers but it’s not clear if she did so for herself or someone else.
Oops my bad. You are right
No secrets here! Please check out my website:
Thanks for providing the correct URL Braddon. Appreciate it. And don’t be a stranger, I’d like to hear more about why you’re running and I’m sure others will too.
There’s this:
Hi Greg, Thank you for sharing out all of the new candidates names, including my campaign for Ward 1 at-large! It’s exciting to see so many folks in the race, who are eager to jump in and play an active role. One of the best experiences I’ve had so far in knocking doors is hearing how informed and involved Newton residents are. People care deeply about our community, and I feel privileged to work with you all.
Hi Greg, thanks for posting. To clarify I am running for Ward 1 Councilor, not at large. As a brief introduction to those who follow Village 14 I have been an effective community volunteer in Nonantum as a member of Nonantum Neighborhood Association for many years and hope to continue to do so for the folks of Ward 1 and all of Newton.
Thank You.
Greg, i’m so glad you wrote this.
Those links are me, and I am indeed running for Mayor of Newton.
I would love to hear from eveyone what that means to you. Feel free to reach out,
Hello everyone and Greg I haven’t had the opportunity to meet you yet, hopefully one day soon so thank you for this post and mentioning my name. As you mentioned, I am running for City Council, Ward 1 seat. This is the place that my family and I immigrated to in the early 70’s so I am definitely in my elements here and already know so many of the great residents in my Ward and throughout the entire City. I have been networking with so many great people in the Nonantum area and beyond and the support I have gotten is overwhelming and so appreciated. I will be at the Festa in Nonantum this week and I look forward to meeting so many more of you. Good luck to all the candidates in this year’s election!
I’m Siobhan Cunningham, running for Newton Ward 1 local. I’m running to make Newton more bike and pedestrian friendly, while also bringing a technical background into local government. I firmly believe that if we don’t do more to prepare for the technological changes coming down the pike, it will be harder and harder to govern effectively and advocate for citizen’s rights.
Thanks for mentioning me!