Globe columnist weighs in on the Lennon/Fuller ‘gender war’ UPDATED

Shirley Leung’s latest Boston Globe column begins….

As mayoral races go, this one was really boring. Until one candidate tried to stir up a little class antipathy, and instead started a gender war.

Read the rest here.


UPDATE: NBC Boston covered this story on Friday “
Fuller: My opponent is attacking me for choosing to work and to raise kids

Fuller: My opponent is attacking me for choosing to work and to raise kids

Candidate Ruthanne Fuller has just released this statement in response to an ad in today’s Newton TAB.

My opponent’s recent ad questioning my capacity to be both a mother and a leader shows a regrettable lack of understanding for those of us who work every day to balance family, career, and service to the community and for women who work – whether in paid or unpaid positions – and raise kids.

Last year, I declared my candidacy for Mayor of Newton because I am passionate about Newton’s future. I have a clear vision, a plan to make us an even better community, and the experience to deliver. My campaign has been and will continue to be

Lennon and Fuller in their own words

The Boston Globe’s John Hilliard asked candidates for mayor Scott Lennon and Ruthanne Fuller ten questions including about the charter, our village centers, housing and transportation. And John also asked Newton residents about their choices for mayor.

In addition, today I had the privilege to moderate a chamber debate with the two candidates at Mount Ida College. We talked about tax overrides, the school budget, unions, health care, Northland, management styles and big ideas.