And this wasn’t even a big storm
Cyclist Brendan Keegan posted this video shortly after our last snow storm..
36 hours after snow has stopped and the buffered Beacon St. bike lane in #NewtonMA is not clear. @BostonCollege snow forces vehicles to park in the bike lane. Maybe BC can chip in for some better snow removal? @MassDCR @BostonBTD lane also needs to be repainted. @BikeNewton
— Brendan Keegan (@brendankeegan) February 15, 2019
Recycle your pizza boxes!
Pizza boxes are somewhat controversial in our house. For years we’ve been told that we can’t recycle them because they’re covered in grease. I once watched a video of a guy who claimed to discover the “greatest pizza box on Earth” at...Oh, Christmas Trees?
One New Year’s tradition that the city seems to have forgotten is Christmas tree pickup. Since the first week of January, a number of trees have been waiting, forlornly, on the sidewalks of my neighborhood (Newton Corner) to be picked up and sent to their new...Resident seeks the 411 on 311
A Village 14 reader writes..
I moved to Newton from Cambridge a year ago, and I was pleased to hear there is a 311 system and especially that it’s connected to I’ve used it quite a bit and appreciate that I can open a ticket about an issue and have it routed to the right person.
But I’ve noticed that the 311 center frequently closes requests without any resolution