March for Our Lives Tomorrow

March for Our Lives Tomorrow

          Tomorrow, Saturday, the March for Our Lives is taking place all over the country. As such, The Guardian has invited student journalists from Parkland, Florida’s high school newspaper, The Eagle Eye, to direct our coverage of...
We Call BS!

We Call BS!

After the Marjory Stoneham Douglas High School shooting in Parkland, FL that killed 17 and wounded many more, students rallied to turn their pain into action, saying “How dare you,” calling “BS” and begging for their lives “not to be used as collateral.” Andover, MA...

Charter Vote not Tied to Candidate Vote

There were predictions that the candidates who were winners in the election would be tied to a yes or no vote on the charter, including the mayor although both endorsed a yes vote on the charter. Predictions were that if the no vote won, so would Lennon and candidates...