City Councilors, including mayoral candidates, come out against Home Rule petition

City Councilors, including mayoral candidates, come out against Home Rule petition

A strongly worded letter released this morning and signed by seven city councilors, including the two mayoral candidates, opposes the Home Rule Petition that is docketed by another 14 candidates. This suggests that even if the petition passes the city council, it may run into trouble with the new mayor, no matter who

Auchincloss: You deserve judgment that you can trust

Auchincloss: You deserve judgment that you can trust

Village 14 is inviting all candidates for mayor, city council or school committee to submit a single guest column between now and Aug 1.

My name is Jake Auchincloss and I ask for your vote to re-elect me as city councilor-at-large from Ward 2.

In an era of national political instability, you deserve local officials who are making sound decisions about the issues that directly affect your life: education, infrastructure, housing, and taxation. You deserve judgment that you can trust.

Why should you trust my judgment? Three reasons:

For the record, I do not endorse candidates

There’s a campaign e-mail making the rounds from alderman/council candidate Jake Auchincloss which includes a quote from me (along with a quotes, from Congressman Seth Moulton, Newton Economic Development Commission Chair Steve Feller and TAB Editor Andy Levin)...