Mayor Fuller: Here’s an update on Washington Street

In advance of tonight’s meeting (Feb. 27, 6:45 p.m. at the Franklin School) Mayor Fuller provided this update on the Washington Street visioning process.

We embarked in May 2018 on a planning process for Washington Street. The goal is to provide the City Council with new zoning in the Spring of 2019 that represents our dreams and vision for this important corridor.

We are very aware that while we are planning, Washington Street is changing. The City Council has already approved both Washington Place at Washington Street and Walnut, as well as a three-story headquarters for Mark Development with a restaurant at the Santander Bank location in West Newton.

Where are we right now? The planning team that has been working with our residents, businesses, and the City Council has

Business owners welcome Washington Street developments

Robert Korff’s Mark Development has expanded their Washington Street portfolio with a series of purchases that include the neighborhood’s post office branch, John Hilliard reports in the Globe and business owners are looking forward to improvements along the corridor.

Among the businesses there is Cook Newton, where Paul Turano, the restaurant’s executive chef and owner, said new development in Newtonville will be a great addition to the neighborhood. It will help

Washington Street, cars, parking and courtyards

Hello Washington Street! October 24, 2018 from NewTV on Vimeo.

When the Hello Washington Street event kicked off at Newton North on Wednesday night, the room was packed. By the time public comment started at a little after 8pm, and the first pitch had been thrown at Fenway, the room was far emptier and, from the sounds of those few who (before I left myself) it sounded like the majority of those who stuck around were opposed to much of what they saw.

The true test will come online, where people can leave comments without having to attend a meeting that happens to run concurrently with the Red Sox, daycare pickup time, and dinner. Video from the meeting as well as the plans will be online soon, as well an online platform allowing for comments.

This meeting focused on a few major concepts, but most came back to the tension between the car and the human.

First is the road diet that Principle Group has suggested before, only this time they noted that we people have been loud and clear: we want