And this wasn’t even a big storm
Cyclist Brendan Keegan posted this video shortly after our last snow storm..
36 hours after snow has stopped and the buffered Beacon St. bike lane in #NewtonMA is not clear. @BostonCollege snow forces vehicles to park in the bike lane. Maybe BC can chip in for some better snow removal? @MassDCR @BostonBTD lane also needs to be repainted. @BikeNewton
— Brendan Keegan (@brendankeegan) February 15, 2019

Northland to present plan to finance four shuttle bus routes
The City Council’s Land Use Committee will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 15 at 7 p.m. at Newton City Hall to hear about Northland’s much-anticipated transportation plan for its project at Needham and Oak Streets.
Northland is proposing a variety of traffic mitigation remedies, including limiting residential parking to one space per unit and funding new and improved bike and pedestian paths.
But the most significant part of the plan is a proposal to operate and fund a shuttle system that would be open to public use at
Globe columnist wonders: Is the bike-lane fever breaking?
Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby cites statistics showing a drop in bike commuting in his latest column.
Considering the billions of dollars that federal, state, and local governments have poured into bicycle infrastructure over the past decade, the steady drop in cycling amounts to a sharp vote of no confidence in bicycles as the much-touted wave of transportation’s future. So maybe it’s time for public officials and policy makers to turn their backs on the militant, self-righteous bike lobby and
A cyclist’s ideas for making Newton for bicycle-friendly
I am a lifelong cyclist who loves to bike around the Garden City, even in December. Today, for example, I cycled from Waban, via Elliot Street and the new Greenway, to my health club on Wells Avenue for a workout. Afterward, I pedaled to Whole Foods to shop and then...
Lime to the polls in Newton tomorrow!
LimeBike is offering free rides to the polls tomorrow, in an effort to get out the vote. Enter code LIME2VOTE18 in the Lime application this Election Day to unlock any of the shared bikes for a free ride to and from your polling location. Go here to learn more about...
What Can Lime Bikes Teach Us About Safer Cycling?
A lot of people wondered why the helmet discussion touched a nerve. And let me say before we start, I ride with a helmet, and I always have. When my son went to college we bought a bike out there, but he carried his helmet in his carry-on so he had it right away. All...
How do you think the Lime Bikes are working out?
Monday will mark the one month anniversary of Lime Bike’s official arrival in Newton. What’s your view of how the program is working one month in?More thumbtacks found in bike lanes in Newton
More thumbtacks have been found scattered across a bike lane in Newton, the Globe reports.
“It’s no accident,” [Newton police Lieutenant Bruce] Apotheker said. “Someone’s definitely putting them on the surface of the road.”