Opening Day of the Newton Farmers’ Market

Did you know that you can rent backyard chickens for truly organic, fresh eggs?  Or become an environmental hero by having a beehive installed in your yard?  Don’t miss the Newton Farmers’ Market, which kicks off its season with a “Gardening in the...

Mayor Fuller: ‘Let’s vote on recreational marijuana’

From Mayor Fuller’s update:  

Let’s Vote on Retail Marijuana
I’ve fully supported medical marijuana establishments. They require customers to have prescriptions from a physician to purchase the product, and customers must have a state-issued medical marijuana license to enter the store.
Newton is now considering whether and where to allow adult-use “recreational” marijuana

Marijuana and the City Council

The Land Use Committee will be holding public hearings on the expansion of the medical marijuana facility, Garden Remedies, to include recreational sales and on a request for a new medical marijuana dispensary on Elliott Street. The Programs and Services Committee...

We’re No. 39?

Newton Patch just reported that a new list of Safest Cities in Massachusetts ranks Newton at 39. Here’s the article The methodology used can be found by scrolling to the bottom of the article. Using FBI Crime Report statistics along with “their own population data and their own internal research”, they ranked based on number of reported violent crimes and property crimes per 1000 people. Thoughts?