Dam busting on the Charles

Dam busting on the Charles

We give Councilor Emily Norton a bit of grief on this blog, because of her anti-green housing positions, but she’s doing some great work in her day job. From the Watertown News comes a report of Councilor Norton’s push, as head of the Charles River...

Stormwater runoff is yucky

I was intrigued to read a press release this week from the Charles River Watershed Association and the Conservation Law Foundation about stormwater protection for the Charles River. Excerpt: [CRWA and CLF] have reached a proposed settlement with the U.S. Environmental...
Norton named head of Charles River Watershed Association

Newton’s next ban? How about fossil fuel?

Just weeks after Brookline voted to ban the installation of oil and gas pipes in new buildings as well as in extensive renovations of existing buildings, Jon Chesto at the Globe reports that some Newton City Councilors want to do the same thing. 

Here’s two excerpts from Chesto’s article:

Opponents representing various business development constituencies argue that this piecemeal approach to energy regulation will simply drive up construction costs and hinder economic development, while achieving minimal environmental benefits. They say the electricity-powered alternatives to natural gas, such as heat pumps, are more expensive and less effective.


[Newton City Councilor Emily] Norton, a former Sierra Club leader who oversees the Charles River Watershed Association, said she’s not really concerned about the impact on economic development. Instead, she’s