Careless drivers & broken trees

Careless drivers & broken trees

One of the more discouraging aspects of trying to get trees started is when they are run over, literally. This week I received an email that one of the trees the Newton Tree Conservancy planted had been run over by a snowplow. This was an Aristocrat Pear planted in...
Anyone seen wasp nests like this in Newton?

Anyone seen wasp nests like this in Newton?

Meant to ask this back in July, which was peak season, but has anyone seen little circular piles of sand with pencil-sized openings in the center anywhere in Newton? They would most likely be found in hard-packed sandy soil, in sun, but within a couple hundred yards...

Goodbye Newton trees

As a combination tribute to, and lament, for all the street trees we have known which will be disappearing and not replaced any time soon, and to increase awareness (if that is still needed!) of the hazardous trees out there, I have recently begun tweeting, in no...

Kindred tree spirits in 1852!

My fellow Newton Tree Conservancy director Penny Caponigro has recently found, on the city website, a charming account of a like-minded organization, the Newton Centre Tree Club, formed in 1852. Records end in 1855, but it appears it may have turned into, or been...