by Sean Roche | Oct 26, 2017 | Mayor's race, Newton, Ruthanne Fuller, Scott Lennon |
The only fair reading of Scott Lennon’s statement that “[s]ome of that ad … has been taken out of context” is that he meant to say that critics have misunderstood his intent. “[T]hat ad,” of course, is an ad Scott placed in the TAB,...
by Greg Reibman | Oct 25, 2017 | Mayor's race, Newton, Ruthanne Fuller, Scott Lennon |
Candidate Ruthanne Fuller has just released this statement in response to an ad in today’s Newton TAB.
My opponent’s recent ad questioning my capacity to be both a mother and a leader shows a regrettable lack of understanding for those of us who work every day to balance family, career, and service to the community and for women who work – whether in paid or unpaid positions – and raise kids.
Last year, I declared my candidacy for Mayor of Newton because I am passionate about Newton’s future. I have a clear vision, a plan to make us an even better community, and the experience to deliver. My campaign has been and will continue to be
by Greg Reibman | Oct 25, 2017 | Mayor's race, Newton, Ruthanne Fuller, Scott Lennon |
In a full page ad in today’s Newton TAB, candidate for mayor Scott Lennon takes a not-so-subtle jab at opponent Ruthanne Fuller’s less traditional history, saying:
I am the only candidate who has consistently held a full-time job for the last twenty years.
by Greg Reibman | Oct 24, 2017 | Mayor's race, Ruthanne Fuller, Scott Lennon |
The TAB has published a report — complete with several charts and graphs — showing how much mayoral candidates Ruthanne Fuller and Scott Lennon have raised. It’s worth going to Wicked Local to see the charts be here’s two excerpts: Ruthanne...
by Greg Reibman | Oct 23, 2017 | Ruthanne Fuller, Scott Lennon |
The debate over whether or not Newton should discontinue running its own health insurance program for municipal and school employees in favor of this seemingly varied menu of health insurance coverage plans offered through Massachusetts Group Insurance Commission,...
by Greg Reibman | Oct 23, 2017 | Charter Commission, Scott Lennon |
Mayoral Candidate Scott Lennon called me this afternoon to say that he “misspoke” at Sunday’s mayoral forum and that “I would not support the proposed eight and eight home rule petition” that has been docketed by City Councilor Emily Norton, chair of the vote no... by Greg Reibman | Oct 20, 2017 | Mayor's race, Newton, Ruthanne Fuller, Scott Lennon |
The Boston Globe’s John Hilliard asked candidates for mayor Scott Lennon and Ruthanne Fuller ten questions including about the charter, our village centers, housing and transportation. And John also asked Newton residents about their choices for mayor.
In addition, today I had the privilege to moderate a chamber debate with the two candidates at Mount Ida College. We talked about tax overrides, the school budget, unions, health care, Northland, management styles and big ideas.