by village14 | Feb 18, 2020 | Newton TAB, Northland |
Newton City Council President Susan Albright was in Israel last week reading all about TAB editorial suggesting that the Yes campaign and Northland were keeping the location of the Northland development a secret, when she found
by village14 | Feb 12, 2020 | Newton TAB, Northland, Ruthanne Fuller |
In an oped in today’s TAB, Mayor Ruthanne Fuller shares her concerns and, ultimately, her enthusiasm for the Northland Newton project.
We should do something better with these 22.6 acres. The site now consists of an empty parking lot, decaying industrial warehouses, a single-story retail big box store, and a charming but deteriorating historic former piano mill. Drive or walk around this aging industrial complex (put 275 Needham Street into your GPS) and see for yourself.
A significant portion of the 22.6 acres (perhaps as much as 40% of the site) will be transformed from concrete to parkland, greens and a spray park/playground with 750 new trees and a restored and daylighted South Meadow Brook..
by village14 | Dec 24, 2019 | Newton TAB |
For perhaps the first time since Julie Cohen became the TAB’s editor (but at least for the first time in a long, long, time) the TAB has published a local editorial! I don’t agree with it (and that’s not just because Cohen takes a shot a me, I’m more troubled by how unfair she is to Brenda Noel) and Jerry Reilly did a better job saying something similar here the other day. But I hope this is a
by village14 | Mar 4, 2019 | Newton, Newton TAB |
The Newton TAB’s Julie Cohen sent me an email this evening with the message line “incorrect info” in reference to my post from last week about lack of letters to the editor and local columns in the print edition. Her full response is below. Mark... by village14 | Mar 1, 2019 | Newton TAB |
Not that long ago, the letters to the editor section was one of the most vibrant and seemingly best read parts of the Newton TAB. During my more than a decade there the biggest struggle for editors was finding a way to fit all of that week’s correspondence into...
by Greg Reibman | Jan 10, 2019 | Business, Chamber of Commerce, development, economic development, Newton TAB |
Here’s a column I wrote for the TAB about how a very tight labor marking may impact Newton businesses in 2019. And here’s one excerpt…
The good news is local business is booming. Generally speaking, our merchants, restaurants owners and many other businesses operating in our village centers and commercial districts report that 2018 was a good year.
The bad news is that an alarmingly large number of those same employers say their ability to be successful in 2019 will largely hinge — not on their ability to attract enough customers — but their ability to find enough employees.
by Greg Reibman | Aug 20, 2018 | Newton TAB |
Nick Greenhalgh, who had been covering both Newton and Brookline for the past few months has moved out of state. It is not known if Nick will be replaced. by Chuck Tanowitz | Aug 13, 2018 | Newton, Newton Patch, Newton TAB |
On this site a lot of pixels have been devoted to the loss of real reporting in this city of 85,000. I’m not alone in remembering receiving two weekly papers on my doorstep when I moved here in the mid 1990s. Those soon merged into one and now we have just a few... by Bruce Henderson | Jun 13, 2018 | Newton North, Newton South, Newton TAB, School Committee |
Jeffrey Pontiff’s column/editorial in today’s Newton TAB (“Importance of a healthy school start”—available on driveways but not yet online) urges Newton Public Schools to not shorten the school day when implementing later start times for high school. He says in part:...
by Greg Reibman | Mar 29, 2018 | Newton, Newton TAB |
This letter to the editor appeared in this week’s Newton TAB.. Dear Newton Tab Editors and decision makers, I was very disappointed to see this week’s edition of the Newton Tab almost completely devoid of any local news, except for a piece from the Mayor’s...
by Marti Bowen | Oct 31, 2017 | Mayor's race, Newton TAB, Ruthanne Fuller |
The Newton TAB has endorsed Ruthanne Fuller for Newton’s next mayor. Read the story here.
by Bruce Henderson | Oct 26, 2017 | Charter, Newton TAB |
The editorial in this week’s Newton TAB says ‘No’ is the right vote on charter plan. It focuses on how the proposed charter will eliminate Newton’s eight ward-elected councilors and says: “Ward representation has been a critical element of Newton’s...