Muni-Wonk: A new year

The Overnight Parking Ban is up for discussion Tuesday night before the first Board meeting of the new school year. No agenda is in the Friday Packet, and I don’t recall this coming via the docket, so I can’t enlighten Village 14 about the issues....

Tour de Newton: We have a Map!

The map of the 19. 8 mile official Tour is now available! Curious Tour-ists can start riding sections now, if they wish. If you want to wait for the Oct. 6 guided tour, you can still register now. 53 days and counting…. View Tour de Newton, 13 villages in a...

Tour de Newton: 56 Days to go

Better get the bike tuned! The ride will  be less fun if your brakes are unreliable, your chain slips from gear to gear or the seat wobbles. Newton has at least four bike shops. Route news: the tour has been cut down to 20 miles. It remains a stunner,...

Muni-Wonk: Midsummer Meetings

Summer schedules still mean meetings, and this week is a double-header: two full Board meetings, as well as School Committee. Not just Land Use. Of course, since Land Use has been meeting all summer, every week, most of the Monday meeting will be full of Land Use...

Muni-wonk: Don’t go on vacation yet!

You can never leave home if you’re a City Hall watcher. Riverside returns for debate on Tuesday. Land Use meets again. The docket looks deceptively thin. But wait–what’s in those documents? Why, a quick report on the seven–that’s...

Tour de Newton Countdown!

Attention Tour-ists: you have 65 days left to get in shape (as of 8/2)! Lois Levin, Henry Finch and I have spent the last several weeks finalizing the 26+ mile, tour-safe route for the Oct. 6 Tour de Newton. It has been an absolute blast finding the centers of all 13...

Muni-Wonk: Summer Planning…

Nonantum residents and business owners will get to review plans to improve the economic vitality and pedestrian environment of Watertown Street–and that’s the biggest single item in the Aldermen’s docket this week. And it doesn’t need to...

Muni-wonk: Riverside

The Riverside draft special permit, the result of dozens of meetings, is now live. The bicycle lanes and sidewalks should make access without a car safer and more pleasant–which is good news for the neighbors. The excess parking demanded by the MBTA remains, and...

Muni-Wonk: Here Come the Schools!

This is the week to STAY AWAKE if you care about the next round of school buildings. Tomorrow (July 15) the Board of Aldermen and School Committee meet jointly to review the Angier School renderings and floor plans. Have a look. What do you think? Prior to that, the...

Muni-Wonk: Dig the Reports!

The final report on the Waban Hill (aka Heartbreak Hill) Reservoir is out this week. It’s a terrific document, and while I couldn’t discover all the Advisory Committee’s names, I commend them all  for a comprehensive, thoughtful and responsive...

Newton Gets Bronze for Bikes

How bicycle-friendly is the Garden City? Find out Monday, June 17, 6pm at the War Memorial Auditorium. That’s when Mayor Warren will join Lois Levin, Newton’s Bicycle Coordinator, for Newton’s Second Annual Bike Summit! (Spoiler: the League of...

Wrapping Up (and meeting via Skype?)

Besides a vote to tie a final bow around  the budget, the aldermen look to be tying off other loose ends in their committee agendas this week. In the Bigger Fish to Fry category is Riverside: including work on parking, traffic, landscaping, etc. Incidentally, parking...