by Mike Halle | Mar 16, 2020 | Newton |
In a world where the list of things we can’t do is getting longer every day (and for good reason!), let’s provide our community with a list of safe things we can do. Specifically, use the comments to describe some positive and compliant things you’ve... by Mike Halle | Nov 2, 2019 | bicycles, Schools, streets and sidewalks |
A quick public service announcement from Newton’s Transportation Advisory Group! Sunday November 3 marks the end of Daylight Saving Time. This change means that sunset, which is already sadly early, will now take place at 4:37PM. The earliest sunset happens on... by Mike Halle | Nov 18, 2013 | Newton |
For the sixth consecutive year, The Village Bank will partner with the City of Newton Department of Health and Human Services for the annual Holiday Gift Drive, to help brighten the holidays for deserving Newton children. The Bank and the City are encouraging local...