Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller has proposed spending a $500,000 to hire consultants to work with stakeholder on creating a vision for the Washington Street corridor.

“It’s important that we take charge of Newton’s future, that we decide what the Washington Street corridor should look like going forward,” [Fuller told the Globe’s John Hilliard’  “…All of us in the city of Newton want a thriving, vibrant Washington [Street] corridor that is of the right scale for the residential neighbors who immediately abut it, and works whether you’re trying to go down the corridor on foot, on a bicycle, or in a car.”

But City Councilor Emily Norton tells Hilliard she’s opposed to a study and “pointing to work already done by city and volunteer groups to determine what kind of development residents want to see along Washington Street.”

Read the Globe’s story here.

RELATED:  Watch the video exploring exploring city planner Jeff Speck‘s vision (commissioned by developer Robert Korf) for a complete Washington Street: