To date, nine sitting city councilors have endorsed Council President Scott Lennon for mayor (Jay Ciccone, Jim Cote, Jay Harney, Amy Sangiolo, Lenny Gentile, John Rice, Cheryl Lappin, Rick Lipof & David Kalis) while four have endorsed their colleague Ruthanne Fuller (Lisle Baker, Susan Albright, Jake Auchincloss and Deb Crossley).
That leaves nine of their fellow councilors (Alison Leary, Emily Norton, Barbara Brousal-Glaser, Ted Hess-Mahan, Brian Yates, Richard Blazar, Greg Schwartz, Vicky Danberg and Marc Laredo) who have either chosen to remain neutral of who have yet to jump in.
Do these endorsements tell you anything about the candidates? Might these endorsements influence your decision on Nov. 7?
Interesting. These are people who have worked closely with both candidates over the years, so I find this meaningful.
Uh, folks, we have two different “Marys” posting here (different IP addresses). One or both of you need to change your log on. We don’t allow multiple pseudonyms but a one time name change is permitted.
Endorsements are given for so many reasons & in Newton some politicians never endorse. Certainly you want more & not less but I make up my own mind and in this race I’m still conflicted.
I committed to Ruthanne in summer 2016, before she had even decided to run, because I was so impressed by her work on the budget, infrastructure, and schools.
She’s going to be a mayor who can deliver on better roads and world class schools, while keeping the budget sustainable.
It does tell me a lot since I typically do not agree with the positions of 5 of the councilors who are backing Scott! So, 5 more reasons that I am voting for Ruthanne…
Can you elaborate? What positions do you not agree with of those councilors? I am fairly new to Newton politics and am always looking for more input, since there is no way to easily figure out what the voting record/cosponsoring history is of any of them.
Sorry to play the part of the cynic the day after claiming to be a Pollyanna, but to think an endorsement is related to an agreement with how one of the candidates voted? Recent history indicates that a number of councilors endorsing Scott have not voted as he did on significant issues over the last several years.
The councilors who are endorsing often have a long-standing working relationship with one of the candidates or have a personal investment.
Greg, can you confirm that the first Mary just started posting during the election, only posts in blogs about the mayor race, and only posts disparaging comments about Ruthanne? It would be great if I could click on the first the Mary’s name and see her history of posts and confirm for myself.
@Jeffrey: We did have a couple of sock puppets infractions on this thread but believe the situation has been rectified. As a reminder to all: Village 14 only allows a person to comment under one name. Please review our commenting rules.
A few years ago, we had a bunch of Janes on the blog and we decided amongst ourselves (right on the blog) what name we’d post under.
The two Marys can easily figure out a way to distinguish themselves from one another.
Jeffrey, I wish you COULD see my commenting history because then you could see that I comment on other stuff, too. And it doesn’t appear that I’m the only one on this blog who doesn’t support Fuller.
Mayoral endorsements are secondary to the President & Vice President alignment and affiliation. Caucus preparation in this unique election will determine incumbency if ‘Yes’ or ‘NO’ prevails. ‘NO’ with the kicker is gaining steam from all corners of the city. Setti city needs the ‘Yes’ nod for 2018’s gubernatorial.
@Harry. I hope you are right about the no side gaining steam. I so seem to sense it in my neighborhood, but I live outside Newton’s version of the Irish Pale.
It’s interesting regarding YES and NO Charter alignment with mayoral campaigns. I see almost an equal amount of Yes/No matched up with Fuller lawn signs & kind of the same with Lennon. Lots of independent minded voters. Some of my hard line NO Charter voters that were with Amy are blanking the Mayor’s race though as a protest vote.
PS thank you Mary Mary Quite Contrary for changing your name.
There seems to be strong alignment along two axes:
* Yes/pro-development/urban
* No/anti-development/suburban
Strikes me that Scott and Ruthanne are imperfect proxies. Scott is less anti than your typical anti. Ruthanne is not the most pro pro.
But, I think Harry is right: charter alignment is likely going to drive mayoral results.
I see most mayoral signs don’t have a charter sign and in my conversations with people, the issues seem to be separate, as they should be. On November 8th, the charter is a done deal, one way or the other – the new mayor will have to work with the results, no matter what they may be.
What Jane said.
I agree. Both Ruthanne & Scott can obviously work with 24 or 12.
This will be a close mayoral race, with the first candidate getting to the idea that this charter is the Peoples’ Charter, not the Commissions’ precept charter. The first candidate therefore to get to the Peoples’ neutral gate (neither for or against) of acceptance will not only win the election, will show a deeper intelligence of politics, and will start off the term with stronger numbers in the Peoples’ confidence, especially if an over ride is called upon thru the term. Selling of an over ride is never palpable for all – the confidence level of the voter, although in a generally accepted affluent municipality, is tough as we saw with David Cohen’s failed attempt. His confidence level was failing; dubious at best.
I’m hoping someone can point me to Ruthanne Fuller’s resume because try as I have I just can’t seem to find it. This election won’t come down to issues for me since I think both candidates are pretty closely aligned. It comes down to experience , character and competency.
I know that most city council people hold full or at least part time jobs as they serve. I know that because I can research that. But on Ruthanne I come up empty.
I find any references to her pre-City Council experience to be very vague.
@ Claire @Mary & others that question Ruthanne’s experience and background all you need to do is check out her website (perhaps do a little simple research before disparaging her?)
No one is more qualified and “Ready on Day One” to be mayor than Ruthanne. All you have to do is look at her website
Her education credentials are stellar (Brown 1979 and Harvard Business School 1983) and her experience in for profit, not for profit businesses, pre city councilor volunteer efforts for Newton and her thoughtful strategic approach as City Councilor dealing with our finances, infrastructure and new school building construction for out weigh Lennon’s role as Asst Budget Director for the Middlesex County Sheriff’s Department, a position he has only held since 2016.
Does anyone really doubt that Ruthanne is the stronger of the two candidates on understanding and forecasting the city’s financial future? No one has delved into the details of our infrastructure needs, unfunded pension & retirement liabilities quite like Ruthanne. That is where the challenges will be focused for our next Mayor.
If you want someone that can plan for Newton’s future AND execute that vision with transparency, resident input and business, financial and political acumen, than when you get into that voting booth on November 7th, the scale tips in Ruthanne Fuller’s favor as the next Mayor of Newton.
#Fuller4Mayor The experience to deliver for Newton.
Endorsements tend to express the working relationship with a given candidate. Considering that Scott has been on the Board/Council longer, and ultimately became President, it’s not surprising that he has more endorsements.
At this stage of the race, I would still like to see more discussion on what sets these two candidates apart. Prerequisite to that might be some idea of what a Mayor of Newton actually does. The City already has a highly-regarded CFO, not to mention a Comptroller, not to mention a Finance Committee. So, we seem to be kinda set there.
What the Mayor actually does is make a lot of decisions. Those decisions are largely shaped by that Mayor’s experience, character, and general demeanor toward people. The Mayor doesn’t get the fun decisions; they get the gut-wrenching stuff that has been kicked up from various departments. When this occurs, it is good to know that you have a fair-minded person of integrity who cares about and understands the citizens of this City, as well as those who work for it. What do we know about these candidates from their experience that provides insight into that? How do they deal with people? How do they approach crisis?
Another dimension that should be discussed is their ability to lead people. Ability to govern, matters. Who has demonstrated that leadership? Who can persuade the members of the Council, School Committee and the residents to go in any particular direction? Who can work with educators and employees to strike meaningful agreements and objectives? This is important, and it is all part of what the Mayor actually does.
@Bill: Great comment but what you are suggesting is easier said than done. I’ve moderated three debates with the mayor candidates and have one more left (This Friday Oct. 20, 8-9 a.m. at Mount Ida College). Getting candidates (especially these two candidates who are more similar on issues than different) to articulate the important nuances you’re talking about is challenging. But I’m open to any and all suggestions from you or others sent to [email protected]
Both Ruthanne Fuller and Scott Lennon are applying for a job. If I applied for a job and told my future employer where I got my education but not for whom I worked I wouldn’t even get the interview, never mind the job .
Everyone wants to be on the winning side, no one wants to be with the unsuccessful candidate. To that, is it more appropriate to be with both candidates, able to be listened to by both, able to be ignored equally by both?
To that at Harvest Fair today I was equally able to tell both that they were going to lose; they didn’t know it but sensed that I will be correct at least 50% of the time – with humor always in hand.
Gloria, you proved my point. Both her website and everything you said is VAGUE. Her supporters promote her experience but what IS her experience? I’m not interested in the fact that she graduated from Ivy League schools in the 70s and early 80s. One of her supporters said that they “believe she has a consulting background.” Vague. Is this the best anyone can come up with? I think she is vague purposely and disingenuous about her background, her past political affiliations, and her son’s private school.
Gee @Mary, did you even read the link I provided?
It is 12 paragraphs of every job & community involvement Ruthanne has had since graduating from college in the early 1990s to present with details & explanations of work responsibilities & leadership roles she has obtained.
How much more do you want? You are really getting ridiculous here. I get that you are a Scott supporter but Ruthanne has provided much, much more information than Scott has and to question any “gaps” in her employment history while raising 3 sons is insulting to many working moms that have done the same. So enough with the resume shaming. Let’s move on can we?
I’m Switzerland in this contest but I have to agree with Gloria here, at least as it applies to Fuller.
This chastising of Fuller for the fact that she took time off to raise her kids feels sexist to me. We should be better than that in Newton.
Didn’t we go through this in another thread, with the same two posters (or at least similar posters, posting in unison, agreeing with each other?)
This type of sock-puppetry B.S. annoys me. I really doubt this is coming from Lennon campaign, because this type of “grass roots” in tandem posting is so easily spotted that I’m sure they would instruct their real campaign volunteers to hold off. Because for every person you convince to vote for Lennon with this weak sauce, you turn two toward Fuller.
So for those who doubt my read of this situation, in all these posts on multiple threads, I’ve seen no groundswell of folks using their own names, or folks who posted here BEFORE the election, asking these questions. Just two folks on each thread, playing political ping pong with themselves, annoying the rest of us.
And in the off chance these are just two random folks worrying about this issue(and her republican donations, or her kids in private school) and posting here for the very first time this election season , THIS is what you care about? My elementary school kids would have a better grasp of what matters for the future of our city than you guys. (seriously, the older one asked me about late start times, road paving, school construction, and the charter just this weekend)
I get that these two terrific individuals share a lot of the same positions. But there is a definite difference in positions and leadership style. I’m undecided. You support Lennon Mary Mary and Claire? Convince me. (Because really, I’m undecided).
@Fig: We did have some sock puppets that have had their puppet paws slapped lately, as well as someone who was a regular who choose to go anonymous (and negative). We allow folks to change a logon once but this person has been told that they can’t go back and forth. Pick one. These things are not always easy to corral.
Greg: That’s why I’ve stuck with my nom de plume. Consistency does matter. Plus, I’m named after a cookie in a hilarious manner.
Ah well. The Sun will rise, the sun will set, and I’ll have lunch.
Your real name isn’t Fignewtonville? Really? Is the next thing you’re going to tell us is that Newtonville wasn’t named after you?
Fake news Greg. Fake news. ’tis a wonder folks read my posts at all.
And the ‘Ville abides, Greg. The ‘Ville abides. Strikes and gutters, ups and downs. Take some comfort in that. ;-)
@GregReibman I think your assessment that asking for more transparency about Ruthanne’s experience is sexist is off the mark. Ruthanne doesn’t really put it out there that she stayed home to raise her sons, which is a wonderful thing to be able to do and something many in Newton are able to do. But many aren’t. Being more transparent about that would be helpful in helping the latter group know she can relate. The link that @GloriaGarvis provided was informative (thank you Gloria). It just wasn’t front and center and easy to navigate to.
Back to the sexist comment, again, I think that is off the mark. If anything, after the Presidential campaign, where misogyny was front and center and rampant, I think the appeal of the first woman mayor is very strong, especially when the positions of the two candidates on the issues are so closely aligned.
With few policies differences it is natural to turn to other criteria such as experience, work style and yes possibly gender. I believe there will be more voters inclined to vote for Ruthanne vs, against her based at least in part on gender. I get that after the Presidential campaign. But what I think is more in play than gender is socio/economic factors or to be more crass, class. We have one candidate with multi-million dollar home, ability to send children to private school, ability to serve through volunteer activity vs the other who lives is in (by Newton standards) in a modest home, has a working class upbringing and lifestyle, public school education for child and a full time job while also serving as city council president.
In a race where there are few differences on issues, these are probably the most stark contrast. At a time where there seems to be an ever growing divide between those who live more than comfortably in affluent sections of Newton and those who struggle to (or aspire to) be able to live in Newton so their children can benefit from it’s excellent schools I believe this is a very real, if not openly discussed dynamic in this race, because it is one of the few contrasts.
Gender and socio/economic aren’t deciding factors, but they are contributing factors
It’s all right there (and really front and center and easy to navigate to) on her website.
Greg, you’re the one who brought up the fact that she was a SAHM, so I think you made a pretty big leap to accuse Claire or me of sexism. My own point was simply about how everyone talks about her strong background but I think it’s unclear why her background is so strong.
1 – She says she was a stay at home parent for their first two years, but that still leaves the rest of her professional history a mystery.
2 – The comment about being a SAHM teaching her more about management than her MBA is nonsense. I have been a stay at home mom and to try to spin that as applicable experience for a job would be ridiculous, unless the job is being a nanny.
Mary, mary, you are indeed contrary ;-) As a few people pointed out Ruthanne Fuller’s web site has a very easy to find link to “Ruthanne’s Experience” – It’s full of lot’s of information, details, dates, company & organization names, etc.
Certainly you have every right to question whether you believe her specific experience is a good match for the job of mayor. However when you keep repeating that she has given no details or is vague about her experience I think you are being misleading.
This is actually the most transparency I’ve seen/heard from Ruthanne’s on her experience.
Honestly, this constant punching away at Ruthanne for a lack of specificity is tiring, particularly since the nay-sayers have been directed to her website. It is clear from Ruthanne’s website that her corporate work experience was high level and had broad impact: strategic planning for a large entity such as WGBH is a weighty and impressive undertaking that she clearly excelled at since they asked her to continue on in a volunteer capacity on their board of overseers. As a management consultant for Temple, Barker, and Sloane, she consulted to multi-million dollar companies, honing the very strategic planning skills that helped our City with its Blue Ribbon Commission and its Citizens Advisory Group. She has used her many talents to improve her City. Yes, as has been pointed out ad nauseam by her detractors: Ruthanne lives in a beautiful, big home in a wealthy village of Newton and had the luxury of being a stay at home mom. Since when is that a bad thing, folks? Seriously! What I find impressive is that she took all of the knowledge and experience garnered from her impressive work experience and Harvard MBA and has used it all to improve the City that she and her family call home. That should be thought of as commendable but in this upside down and negative world, somehow people are considering it value-less. As her website says, “Newton needs a Mayor who can tackle complex, interrelated challenges and develop a financially sustainable budget.” To me, Ruthanne Fuller’s background makes her uniquely qualified for the position. Vote Ruthanne for Mayor on November 7.
Thanks @Claire for posting this HBS promo video of Ruthanne…I had never seen it. It is very good and as you noted a nice honest straight forward albeit brief piece about her background.
and wow @NativeNewtonian who gave you the extra cup of caffeine this afternoon?? Nice rebuttal and take down to all this BS that Ruthanne isn’t experienced enough. I totally agree with you!
#Fuller4Mayor Leadership that Delivers Vote Fuller November 7th
“Thanks @Claire for posting this HBS promo video of Ruthanne…I had never seen it. It is very good and as you noted a nice honest straight forward albeit brief piece about her background.”
So interesting Gloria Garvis that you and I watch that video and have VERY different responses. I hear her say that she took a “chunk” of time staying at home with boys “not working” where on her Website she says it was two years. What is a chunk? And she says she works part time as a city council person. Now I find myself curious to know what is the work status of all of the 24 city council . Is it the norm or the exception to not have outside employment? Does anyone know?
Even more interesting is Ruthanne talking about being able to “reinvent” herself. That goes to the heart of the discomfort that many of us have.
OMG Claire, there you go again… taking a negative slant on an innocuous comment.
Like many, many people as I’ve aged and gone through my 20s, 30s, 40s and now (gulp) my 50s I’ve re-invented myself several times in different specialties as a lawyer….years in government relations, years as a real estate attorney, retiring for a “chunk” of years to raise my sons while simultaneously involved in the city of Newton in various volunteer and appointed positions, then became a children’s book author….etc etc…. personal “reinvention” makes the world go round… stop with the cynical approach and take the high road in politics. We have two great candidates. We just are on opposite sides. Let it Go …Let it Go …Let it Go
“personal “reinvention” makes the world go round… stop with the cynical approach and take the high road in politics. We have two great candidates. We just are on opposite sides. Let it Go …Let it Go …Let it Go”
Oh Gloria, from one 50+ year old woman to another , I am on the high road. I too have reinvented myself a number of times. But I have always own every aspect of my path and then knitted that progression to an employer (the citizens of Newton in this case) to a narrative that makes sense that they want to hire me. Ruthanne’s story falls short. But we can agree to disagree.
Here are the facts I need to know about Ruthanne:
In 2007 she co-led the CAG, which produced the comprehensive and unblinking honest assessment our city financial structure that remains the blueprint today for how we run Newton.
Over the past five years she and colleague Deb Crossley realized the dire state of our sub-surface pipe infrastructure (sewer and water), unglamorous stuff but vital to the sound functioning of a modern city. They took on the huge task of analysis and strategic planning for financing and repairing of these systems, and today we’re making real progress.
What’s the dark looming cloud over our city financial health? The billion+ dollar OPEB (Other Post Employment Benefits) unfunded retiree benefits liability. What did Ruthanne do about it? She realized three years ago the difficulty in understanding and addressing our obligation. So she created and led a working group of finance professionals that put out a detailed analysis of our OPEB crisis.
I’ve served and worked closely with Ruthanne on Newton’s three new elementary school projects, through their Working Groups and with other community organizations. She was remarkable to watch. She combined broad strategic visioning, tactical planning, and sensitive community outreach to make vital contributions to the success of each project.
Over the past decade Ruthanne has played major roles in strengthening our city finances, infrastructure, and schools. This is what a leader is supposed to do and she has been doing it with deep thought, careful planning, compassion and action. She has my unqualified vote for mayor.
I have been reading this thread with interest. Yes experience is needed…and that is what I have seen with Ruthanne. She is one of a very few councilors who have taken substantial action to move the city forward. Before Ruthanne ran for office, she got to know more about this city than the mayor or any member of the council through her studies with the Blue Ribbon Commission and Citizens Advisory Group. She has been intimately involved with the school building projects as the representative from the council’s Public Facilities committee. She knows more about Newton’s challenge of meeting our insurance and pension commitments to our retirees. She has worked very carefully with Councilor Deb Crossley to “dig” into our crumbling water & sewer system. Working with Councilor Crossley and the city’s Public Works department they developed and implemented a strategic plan for our water & sewer system which has had a tremendous impact on our city finances and the quality of the water that comes to our homes.
As a human resources professional, I look for leaders who build a culture that fosters employee engagement and development. What I see with Ruthanne is a leader who takes an analytical approach to problem solving but never loses sight of the fact as to what makes the city tick… is our employees! As mayor this will translate into creating an environment where talent is identified, developed and retained in order for the City of Newton to do what it does best…deliver first class services to our residents and business owners.
Therefore I am pleased to endorse Ruthanne as my choice for mayor. May I ask that you please join me in voting for her on November 7th.
The answer to this dilemma is for both candidates to release resumes with educational background, professional experience, dates of employment, titles, responsibilities – your basic resume. It’s been a part of every election of an executive that I’ve ever heard of. Just do it and end the discussion.
Gloria – At issue here is that many women and men don’t have the option of reinventing themselves due to family circumstances and responsibilities. I’ve had a happy, fulfilling life, but reinventing myself was definitely not an option.
I have no negative reaction to those who do have the option of taking advantage of opportunities and have many close friends who’ve been able to. I’m happy for them, enjoy hearing about their journeys, but an acknowledgment that it’s not a possibility for everyone would go a long way. When it’s not acknowledged, then somehow I’m left to think that somehow it was my fault that I didn’t go for certain attractive opportunities; that maybe I didn’t have the courage to reinvent myself. I don’t believe that to be the case, but when I’m constantly presented with the idea that I coulda, shoulda, it just doesn’t set right.
@Jane you start out saying the “answer” would be “for both candidates to release resumes” but by the end of your comment, it’s pretty clear that a resume isn’t what you are looking for at all. Just sayin’
@Marcia Johnson She is one of a very few councilors who have taken substantial action to move the city forward
Really?? I guess the majority are just slackards. That explains it as I was confused why she has so few endorsement from her peers.
I’m an undecided voter who would like to offer an observation about the discussion on this thread.
It started out as a post that suggested that Scott Lennon has earned the respect of more of his colleagues than Ruthanne Fuller has. But it’s been largely hijacked by a few anonymous trolls who decided it was more important to trash Fuller than talk about their candidate’s own virtues. In contrast we have a number of posters using their own names to explain why they respect and support Fuller.
And I should point out that both Lennon and Fuller has been both running entirely positive, respectful campaigns.
Perhaps the trolls think they are scoring brownie points with their anonymous comments. To me, they just look petty and catty. I suspect I’m not the only one. If you have genuine concerns about Fuller’s resume why not have the courage to say so using your real names?
I can not vote for these 2 candidates. Both push a vision for Newton that the majority of voters can not accept. Whoever becomes our mayor will have a tough time governing and will ultimately fail as a leader. For me the big issues are housing development in village centers, out of control school spending, and the very high rate of municipal indebtedness. Tax increases fail to solve the long term financial problems. Traffic and lack of parking, poor road conditions, poor snow removal tactics, school start times continue to be difficult problems which no one has solved. Both Scott and RuthAnne show little ability to make progress with solutions to these problems.
“@Greg Reibman Perhaps the trolls think they are scoring brownie points with their anonymous comments. To me, they just look petty and catty. I suspect I’m not the only one. If you have legitimate concerns about Fuller’s resume why not have the courage to say so using your real names?”
Okay I’m confused as to why your rules indicate that it okay not to post a full name, but now we are trolls if we don’t? There are very legitimate reasons why someone would prefer not to (professional/ work) . I will admit that my last comment was perhaps too snarky, but it was equally snarky for Marcia to suggest that most of the City Council is not working to advance Newton. If she feels that way she should identify the few who she thinks are , or conversely those who she thinks aren’t. Perhaps it was just hyperbole.
Overall, l feel my comments have been thoughtful and instructive. For example I posted the video of Ruthanne without comment. But then am I not allow to comment an opposing opinion to another posters comment is a respectful manner as I close it with “we can agree to disagree”?
And your ascribe sexism to posters who question Ruthanne’s experience deflecting that the questions are based on Ruthanne having been a SAHM when that is not the issue. My impression is that you are trying to shit down or even shame those who have legitimate concerns
I am deeply concerned about the issue of Ruthanne’s qualifications that seem to be taken at face value and that I (and apparently others on this and other threads) seriously question. And given that I see zero discussion on the Patch, this seems to be the only place an active dialogue is taking place.
But if those of us who chose to, or feel we need to remain anonymous are going to be labeled trolls, then change the rules and require full names. But personally I feel my input here has been mostly instructive. And I am not sure how those of us who have serious questions about Ruthanne’s qualifications are “hijacking” this tread when 1) there are as many posts by those who support Ruthanne and those who question her qualifications and 2) why are we “trashing” her when we are raising a legitimate concern and 3) it is likely that endorsement are do in part to as assessment of who is most qualified so it is not off point. A concern that appears on many other threads going back at least 4-6 months.
And yes I agree that both candidates have remained entirely positive and respectful. And I appreciate that.
Sorry. Typo! Shut down :-(
@Claire – Yes, you are definitely welcome to comment on V14 using an anonymous handle. There are plenty of long time, well respeccted Village14 participants who have been using their anonymous identities here for years and are great contributors.
Periodically though, in the midst of some hot topic being discussed, suddenly new anonymous people will show up, post repeatedly, and insistently, on a single topic. They’ll typically have a primarily negative bent, hammer the same points over and over, and for the most part just ignore anyone who provides information that contradicts what they say. As soon as that one issue’s time is past, they immediately disappear.
Are you and Mary, Mary Quite Contrary those people (trolls)? Only time will tell.
This is not about whether you are supporting Scott Lennon or Ruthanne Fuller in the upcoming election. There are plenty of V14 regulars on both sides, and I suspect a number still undecided. The suspicion I think Greg may be alluding to is that some new poster’s sole reason for being on Village14, on this single issue, is to spread a malignant message (“Ruthanne Fuller is hiding/obscuring something”) rather than have a discussion about the candidates. The biggest evidence pointing in that direction is that the vague charge that “Ruthanne Fuller has been vague about her experience” seems to have been contradicted with lots of details, links, personal testimonials, yet the charge just keeps being repeated without any significant new information to back it up.
If you and Mary Mary are just citizens interested in the upcoming election welcome to Village14. You are certainly welcome to discuss either whatever you think either of the candidates virtues or shortcomings are. I look forward to hearing your additional thoughts on both this election, the candidates, and any other issues here in Newton that you take an interest in. If you ARE trolling on behalf of a campaign then I most respectfully ask you to just get lost.
What Jerry said.
In addition: Yes Claire our rules permit folks to comment anonymously. Our rules also allow others to question the motives of those who comment anonymously.
Also Claire: I’ve you tried calling or emailing Ruthanne Fuller and sharing with her your questions or concerns as it related to her resume? Her information is on her city council page and/or you car reach out via her campaign site.
Both candidates have been very accessible. Let us know how your conversation goes.
@Claire and anybody else who harps about Ruthanne’s resume
I WISH women could proudly list and talk about their volunteer work on a resume or in an interview. But the reality is that loads of people think that paid work translates into leadership/knowledge and non-paid work doesn’t or at least not as well. And in Ruthanne’s case, as Marcia Johnson noted above, it should be very clear that her experience and work for this city absolutely qualifies her to be mayor.
I hope that the few debates that are left will shed light about the differences. Perhaps the moderators can ask the question to each what they think makes them different from the other with regard to their vision/approach to the job.
BTW – questions about business and economic development will be the focus on Friday morning at the Newton/Needham regional chamber – It’s early in the morning and I hope people will be able to attend.
@JerryReilly, I have just become aware of the site and was glad to find it as I was frustrated that is seems no one comments on the Patch. I have posted on a few other posts but the mayoral race is the issue that I am most passionate about and the issue of Ruthanne’s credentials has also been raised by those who feel able to use their full name on both this and other posts and has not been satisfactory addressed to those who have the questions. To say that no significant new information has been brought forward is just wrong as I posted the video yesterday of Ruth in her own words describing her experience. I posted it without commentary, but to me it raised more questions than answers, but that is just me.
I do feel that I have said my peace on this issue, but I’m going to respond be being labeled sexist and a troll as I believe my comments have been thoughtful and fair. We have a race where there is little difference between the candidates on the issues so of course the questions will be about qualifications. And I have legit questions. Peace!
@Claire – That’s great then. As I said, welcome to Village 14 and I look forward to hearing more from you.
Whether you support Ruthanne or Scott in this election, I want to say that the level of engagement from Newton’s citizens makes me incredibly proud to live here.
At the end of the day, no matter who you support, we are all each other’s neighbors. I couldn’t be more grateful to be neighbors with such committed, passionate residents. We have a special city, and that will be true no matter who wins the Mayoral Election.
I want to second what Greg said. One of the things that I think we should all be happy about, and all take advantage of, is how this campaign is being run.
Both candidates have been appearing at a huge number of events of every type. There have been lots of debates and forums where you can see the two candidates, on the same stage, answering questions and responding to one another. Both candidates turn up at countless informal events around the city where you can engage with them one-on-one.
As Greg said, they are both incredibly approachable. They both will take the time to talk to any interested voter any time and make themselves available on a nearly daily basis throughout the city. If you have an issue, a question, a concern, go meet both of them, tell them what’s on your mind, and hear what they have to say.
Here’s one tonight
And a debate is slated for Sunday afternoon. I have found debates and direct interaction to be my most informative inputs
Actually, Greg, the V14 Rules say: “By all means be as strenuous in your objections to anyone’s actions or words but try to avoid questioning their motives. If you insist on questioning their motives then please back it up with information.” There’s no distinction between those commenting anonymously vs. those commenting with their real-life names.
Bruce, I think what Greg and Jerry are trying to say is that real names have greater weight in an argument. I’d supplement that with real names and regular posters. If Clair and Mary Mary were consistent posters, I’d respect their opinions more. It is entirely possible they will become regular posters and that would be terrific. But always hard to give us anonymous folks the benefit of the doubt when the posting is on one hot button topic.
The burden of proof of not being a troll is more on the poster than the blog. Greg and Jerry aren’t banning Claire and Mary Mary, but it is fair game to question the motives, since the very fact that they are new and only posting on one thread against one candidate is the information they are using to back up said motive questioning.
It will all work out in the end. I just don’t see too many folks with this same objection, except Claire and Mary Mary. And I do tend to think that if I was working for Scott’s campaign, I’d be tempted to try and use Ruth’s strengths against her. She says she is experienced? Question her resume. She says she is detailed oriented? Send out Amy to question meeting attendence and ability to solve the pension and liabilities issue. And start a whisper campaign on donations to Republicans and private school attendence, to contrast the economic status of the two candidates.
Entirely possible that this is organic and not troll based. Also entirely possible that it is not. The fact that Amy went negative made me think there was a bit of movement away from positive campaigning behind the scenes, and then Mary Mary and Claire showed up as well…
Frankly, I’d prefer to be focusing on the answers they give in debates. And actual positions. I could care less what job Scott currently holds, or Ruth prior resume. And frankly, I’d be happy with either being mayor.
Just my 2 cents.
Greg – My comment was a twofer – the first part was in response to Claire and the second was in response to Gloria Gavris. I did not intend the comments to be related. I should have referenced the individual to whom each comment was directed.
As an aside, I think volunteer work belongs in a resume and most do include volunteer work as a valuable piece of an individual’s narrative.
To be 100% clear neither Claire nor Mary Mary quite Contrary have violated any Village14 posting rules that I know of and they are both more than welcome to continue posting as they see fit.
@fignewtonville – I’ve been posting for months now on threads of various nature. I did change my name from Mary to this one after another Mary popped up. I’m in my 30s, I’ve been living in West Newton for over 12 years, have one child in the public schools, voted for Setti Warren but haven’t been paying too much attention to local races until recently, I hate the winter parking ban and you may have seen me commenting about that, I’m leaning “no” on the charter but not 100% sure yet, I was undecided on Lennon vs. Sangiolo until the day of the preliminary, I am an advocate for later HS start times, and my favorite neighborhood restaurant is Paddy’s. I swear I’m for real and have another opinions!
@Mary Mary Quite Contrary – you do sound like a real person and distinctly un-troll like ;-)
Seems to me Fignewtonville that you are the one starting a whisper campaign suggesting Amy, Mary, Mary Mary CC and I are being organized by the Lennon campaign. Is Jane Frantz also in on this conspiracy?
As I wrote previously I have nothing more to say on the topic of Ruth’s experience. What I don’t understand is why you, Greg and Jerry continue to reference me and question my motives. Well to be fair Jerry acknowledged my post that I just found this venue and welcomed me so I take him out of that group.
If whoever controls the topics wants to initiate a post on zoning and teardowns. I would love a chance to join that discussion. The School Board and the question .whether an No vote is anti-environmental just are hot topics for me personally, although for the record I am a No.
@Claire – Since you were kind enough to take me out of that group of riff-raff, I’m happy to oblige