by Greg Reibman | Jul 18, 2018 | City Council, Newton |
This is a guest blog post submitted by Ward 6 City Councilor Brenda Noel
After the city council vote on July 9th on #312-18 “Citizens Petition requesting ballot question on recreational marijuana establishments and its subsequent vote to not allow for it to be on the ballot”, I received several emails accusing me of voting “as a block” with the other female councilors. This offends me to my core- so let’s take a moment to
by village14 | Jul 10, 2018 | City Council, City Council elections, Newton, recreational marijuana |
In front of a passionate standing-room-only crowd Monday, the Newton City Council voted 13-8 against placing a question on the November ballot asking voters if they would like to ban all recreational marijuana stores in Newton. Later, in a 18-2 vote, the council... by village14 | Jul 7, 2018 | City Council, Newton, recreational marijuana |
A Boston Globe editorial has some harsh words for the “overwhelmingly white and wealthy” suburban communities where voters supported legalizing recreational marijuana but are now trying to ban the stores.
…it’s not supposed to be easy to ban marijuana sales permanently, especially in towns whose residents voted for legalization in the 2016 referendum.
Later the editorial is talking about Concord, but it seems to apply to Newton as well…
…One is forced to wonder: Which children did the overwhelmingly white and wealthy towns have in mind, and would they have voted differently in 2016 if all state residents were exposed to its consequences equally?
Massachusetts is headed toward a two-tier system, strongly correlated to race and privilege, and the law allows it. It’s not a pretty picture — and if towns try to make it even worse through moratoriums, officials should just say no.
by Greg Reibman | May 2, 2018 | recreational marijuana |
Mayor Fuller sent the following to the city council…. Dear Honorable City Councilors, As you will recall, the City Council recently voted to exclude Garden Remedies Inc. from the current moratorium on adult-use marijuana establishments. Garden Remedies is moving... by Greg Reibman | Apr 24, 2018 | recreational marijuana |
An alert reader recently received this invitation from a group that’s apparently organizing a ballot initiative to opt our of allowing recreational marijuana in Newton. There’s no contact info, no names, etc., which strikes me as kind of an odd way to...
by Julia Malakie | Apr 16, 2018 | medical marijuana, Newton, recreational marijuana |
An article in today’s Boston Globe vividly describes an issue that I’ve not had to deal with personally, since I live in a single-family house, and for decades now, workplaces, airplanes and public buildings are thankfully smoke-free. Apparently —...
by Marti Bowen | Apr 10, 2018 | Newton, Newtonville |
I’m sure there are hyper-reactive people everywhere but when it comes to changes in Newtonville, some residents’ response borders on hysteria. Conspiracies flourish over the smallest things – such as referring to “an... by Greg Reibman | Mar 8, 2018 | City Council, medical marijuana, recreational marijuana |
The Newton City Council has approved a moratorium on the retail sale of marijuana until the end of this year. The council did exempt Garden Remedies, which currently operates as a medical marijuana clinic on Washington Street, from the moratorium. by Greg Reibman | Feb 21, 2018 | medical marijuana, recreational marijuana |
City Councilor Andreae Downs does an excellent job explaining the pros and cons of issues surrounding bringing recreational marijuana to Newton on her website. Recommended reading.
by Greg Reibman | Feb 8, 2018 | City Council |
The Zoning and Planning Committee of the City Council will hold a public hearing on a proposed temporary moratorium on recreational marijuana establishments in Newton on Monday, Feb. 12, at 7:00 p.m. in Room 205. If the City Council passes the temporary moratorium...
by Greg Reibman | Oct 10, 2017 | City Council elections |
Update (10/18/17) The TAB story covering the debate has been updated to read: “Auchincloss, said that pot shops aren’t in his vision for the city but the city would first have to take steps to ban it. That would include a ballot initiative, which he would...