by Sallee Lipshutz | Feb 22, 2021 | City Council elections, Elections, Newton, politics |
I am posting this on behalf of the Area Councils Debate working group (of which I am a member) to clear up any confusion. All candidates received the February 17, 2021 email and attachment reprinted in their entirety at the end of this statement. As was clearly stated... by Sallee Lipshutz | Feb 21, 2021 | Newton |
Today at 2pm you will have the opportunity to see and hear LIVE on Zoom the five candidates who are running for the two empty At-Large City Council seats in Wards 1 and 2. All Newton registered voters get to vote for these open positions in the Special Election... by Sallee Lipshutz | Jan 27, 2021 | Newton |
There are currently two positions open on the Newton City Council and both of them are city-wide positions, meaning that all Newton voters can participate in the Special Election that will be held on March 16 to fill those seats. The Ward 1 At-Large seat was vacated... by Sallee Lipshutz | Jan 18, 2021 | Newton |
If you’re one of the few carnivores who isn’t watching salt intake these days, and if you haven’t had some really good deli recently, let me suggest Barry’s Village Deli in Waban Square as the perfect nearby source. Offering contactless curbside pick-up and walk-up,... by Sallee Lipshutz | Dec 28, 2020 | Newton |
I didn’t think I’d be writing another article for Village 14 so soon. At 11:55am today, as I was working at my computer, I heard a very loud “bang-thud” followed by our electricity’s going out. At first I thought it was a tree falling on power lines and peered... by Sallee Lipshutz | Dec 26, 2020 | Newton |
I remember as a youngster that my mother used an allegory to teach about perspective. She reminded me that a worm that is born in a barrel of horseradish and lives there for his whole life would think it was the sweetest place on earth! With that lesson in mind, I... by Sallee Lipshutz | Nov 3, 2020 | Newton |
OK, I know I’m playing with dynamite with this one, but I think the scab needs to be picked and the cut re-sanitized and allowed to heal properly! As anyone who knows me would agree, I am no shrinking violet! I speak out and express my opinions even when they are...
by Sallee Lipshutz | Aug 21, 2020 | Newton |
On the morning of August 13, we had an unexpected visitor to our part of Waban. This creature was sitting, looking toward the pond behind our house, turning occasionally to peer right and left. From our kitchen window we could estimate size by the fact that it was...
by Sallee Lipshutz | Jun 13, 2020 | Newton |
Like “Herbie”, the automobile in the 1968 movie The Love Bug, cars were more than supporting characters tonight in the Marshalls Plaza in Newton Upper Falls! Couch The Band produced joy and happiness before an assemblage of nearly 100 cars filled with avid... by Sallee Lipshutz | Apr 25, 2020 | Newton |
Dear V14 Colleagues: If Sean or Greg or any one of our usual doctrinaire authors put this up, I would be furious! As someone who walks a very middle political road and thinks a lot about our usual V14 issues, learning from or discounting the arguments so eloquently... by Sallee Lipshutz | Apr 19, 2020 | Newton |
My husband and I live on a corner lot and have a long driveway. Since we are both unable to walk long distances without a lot of pain, and we have been sequestering since March 14, we have gotten in the habit of walking nearly daily round trips from one end of our... by Sallee Lipshutz | Apr 4, 2020 | Newton |
If so, read this. If not, sorry for the rant! Hope you are feeling healthy and sane… As we have recognized the need for physical distancing as a weapon to fight COVID-19, we should revisit any prohibitions in Newton’s zoning/building code of drive-through sales...