Sweetest Craigslist Ad

Sweetest Craigslist Ad

During these unsettled times, it’s nice to read something sweet. I came across this advertisement on Craigslist. It’s about a house and family in Newton looking for a new home. Enjoy!!

School Re-opening Plan Survey

 I received this email from an NPS parent and thought I would share: “At the school committee meeting tonight, it seems it will be a lot of  work to get school open (in any format) in the fall.  It would be great if there was an efficient way to pass bulk...
Anyone get this over the weekend?

Anyone get this over the weekend?

Nice campaign literature. But what caught my attention was reference to being “one of the first Democrats to call for Donald Trump’s impeachment..”  I’ve been trying to find his statement on that – maybe he wrote an editorial? 

What’s Up in Newton this Week?

What’s Up in Newton this Week? – COVID-19 confirmed cases rise slightly and an additional Newton death, City Clerk looks to relocate polling locations – Ward 2 Precinct 2; Ward 2 Precinct 3; Ward 6 Precinct 2; Ward 5 Precincts 3 & 4; City Council...