UPDATED: This thread has been moved up as a reminder about tonight’s (Weds March 27 7 p.m.) public comment opportunity.  Also: Don’t forget the On-line Questionnaire
The Blue Ribbon Commission for Salaries, appointed by City Council President Marc Laredo to review the compensation of Newton’s elected officials (the mayor and members of the city council and the school committee) and make recommendations for possible future changes to their salaries and benefits, is collecting public comment from members of the community.
The commission hopes that you have a few minutes to complete an online questionnaire about the compensation of Newton’s elected officials. The questionnaire can be found by clicking this link:
In addition, the commission is holding two public comment sessions:
Wednesday March 27, 7:00 p.m., Newton City Hall, room 204
Tuesday, April 9, 7:00 p.m., Newton City Hall, room 205
Comments can also be sent to [email protected]
The City Council last looked at the compensation for its elected officials in 2005.  At that time, a Blue Ribbon Commission recommended raising the salaries of all elected officials and providing a mechanism for future increases.  The City Council thereafter approved a salary increase for the Mayor but did not make any other compensation changes.
More details about the 2019 Blue Ribbon Commission for Salaries, including a list of commission members can be found HERE.