| Newton MA News and Politics Blog  | Newton MA News and Politics Blog  | Newton MA News and Politics BlogThe City Council’s Land Use Committee will meet on Tuesday, Jan. 15 at 7 p.m. at Newton City Hall to hear about Northland’s much-anticipated transportation plan for its project at Needham and Oak Streets. 

Northland is proposing a variety of traffic mitigation remedies, including limiting residential parking to one space per unit and funding new and improved bike and pedestian paths.

But the most significant part of the plan is a proposal to operate and fund a shuttle system that would be open to public use at stops along its routes.

Northland’s proposed system would be comprised of the following four routes:

  1. The Newton Circulator which would provide connections to MBTA’s Green Line at Newton Highlands and Newton Center and the Worcester-Framingham commuter rail line at the Newtonville Station every 30-45 minutes, depending on the day and time of day
  2. The Needham Commuter which would shuttle between the project site and the Needham Heights Station the of the MBTA’s Needham commuter rail line every 30-45 minutes during the AM and PM commuting peaks; it would not operate middays
  3. The Cambridge Express which would travel to and from Kendall Square and Central Square in Cambridge every 60 minutes.
  4. The Boston Express which would provide service daily to the South Boston Seaport District and South Station every 60 minutes.

The documents for Tuesday’s meeting are here .