The Newton Highlands Area Council shared this from City Hall
Newton residents near the Green Line:
In Mid-September, the MBTA is beginning a 30 month long track and signal replacement project along the entire length of the Green Line D Branch across the City of Newton. In order to replace portions of old track and signals, the project will involve noisy construction activities during the overnight hours and during the day on weekends. The MBTA will make a presentation on the project to the Newton City Council on Monday, June 25th at 6pm in the Council chambers. All are invited to attend the presentation.
Mayor Fuller has met with the MBTA and advocated for significant sound mitigation measures and continuous public outreach/communication on the project. She has also asked the T to conduct more of the noisiest work activities on the weekends or earlier in the evening hours. In response, the T added a communications consultant to their team to keep in close contact with neighbors and city officials. But, they say it is not possible to reduce or avoid the overnight construction periods. The MBTA’s project team believes there will be noisy overnight construction directly behind many Green Line neighboring homes for up to 5 to 7 nights during the project.
If you are unable to attend the Monday presentation, the City will put a copy of it on the “City News” section of Newton City website homepage. Still have questions? Reach out to the Mayor’s Office Citizen Assistance Officer at 617-796-1102.
Jonathan Yeo
Chief Operating Officer
City of Newton
Hopefully this will eventually result in faster speeds and shorter trips. The ride from Newton Center or anywhere further west is a brutal slog.
My own small wish: A new pedestrian crossing on the Sudbury aqueduct near the Eliot station.
What about service during this time? That is what I am most concerned about. Please don’t say we will be forced to take T bus rides.
@RD: I’m sure more details will be available Monday at City Hall. But its hard to imagine that bus service isn’t going play a big role over the course of the 30 month project.
What about the staging areas? Won’t abutters to certain stations be subject to noise throughout the project?
Didn’t the MBTA just do noisy nighttime maintenance a couple of years ago? The liaison last time was condescending and unhelpful. Hopefully the Mayor’s office will demand better this time.