The other shoe drops ….
The mayor’s office has just sent out an invitation (below) to a public Open House to learn about Northland Development’s plans for its very large parcel of property in Upper Falls. It’s been clear to Upper Falls folks for some time that some big plan would eventually be forthcoming for this property. In the past year a number of large industrial buildings on the site have been razed. One of them in fact collapsed after the record snow two winters ago. It’s too bad too, I had plans for that building.
The property extends from the Upper Falls Greenway to Needham St in one direction and contains most of the property between Oak St and Tower Rd in the other direction, including the Marshalls plaza. At the moment nearly the entire end of the property facing the Upper Falls Greenway and the Upper Falls neighborhood is a pretty sad looking demolition site. With a bit of imagination, development of this site could be a big improvement. As always, the devil’s in the details so I’m looking forward to hearing all those details.
This is the second big development project in the vicinity. Construction of the Newton Nexus project further down Needham St is already well under way at the moment.
Newton Mayor Setti Warren Invites You to Learn About Exciting New Concept Enhancing the N2 District and Linking to the Upper Falls Neighborhood
Newton, MA –Mayor Setti Warren, Northland Investment Corporation, and the City of Newton Planning Department will present a vision for the redevelopment of Northland’s parcels in the N2 Innovation District. The first phase in a detailed planning process that will require extensive community input, the presentation will include concept plans for effectively integrating housing, retail, and office space. The team will also discuss community focused benefits, including enhanced open spaces, connections to the Upper Falls Greenway and improved street level experience.
A Community Open House event in the evening will offer residents an opportunity to interact with developers and City representatives to learn more about the concepts, the public engagement process and next steps.
What: Presentation and Open House for Northland Development Project
When: November 2nd, Presentation – 11:00am-noon, Open House, 7:00-9:00pm
Where: Marshall’s Plaza, Needham St. and Oak St., Newton, MA
Please RSVP here:
Thanks for posting. Looking forward to learning more.
BTW – Does anyone know if this falls in the Countryside school district?
Yes it is currently in Countryside although Upper Falls is on the border between the Countryside, Angier, and Zervas districts. In recent years those borders were adjusted to help balance those school populations – much to the chagrin of the neighborhood.
I hate to keep bringing the discussion back to area councils, but I’m pretty certain the Upper Falls Neighborhood Area Council will be keeping a sharp eye on how this new development can serve and strengthen their village. Upper Falls Area Council member Marie Jackson recently commented on just how much their area council has helped to focus the community on its real challenges and opportunities.
This looks like a great opportunity and I’m pleased that one of Mayor Warren’s top priorities is to fully engage the community in promoting the best possible outcome for the Upper Falls Village, housing advocates and the businesses that will locate there. A willingness to work collectively and the fact that a functioning area council will be involved in the process makes a successful outcome more likely. We know that from our own experience in the Highlands.
@Bob Burke – yes. Northland Development will be presenting theit plan to the Upper Falls Area Council at their Nov meeting, in late nov
I’ll be there as the official (or unofficial) Ambassador from the Highlands to the Falls.
@Bob: And I’ll be there as the official (or unofficial) Ambassador from Waban to the Falls! Clearly, with residential units being part of any Northland project (am I assuming too much?), a new elementary school for Upper Falls seems almost obligatory. Will it be another override for the taxpayers, or will Northland offer this incredible incentive to the community? I look forward to hearing what Northland is proposing and to the kind of growth that our City needs along Needham Street, a place where that growth belongs!
That’s funny Sally, I though growth belonged in Waban square ;-)
@Jerry: I hear Walmart is trying to buy the Waban Post Office ;)
Thanks but no thanks Bob.
If you are a citizen that has or will have children who live in the Countryside school district(falls or Highlands) you should be keeping an eye on the
Newton Highlands Neighborhood
Area Council, of which Bob is a member, as much as you should on
Northland Development. The NHNAC
was an ardent advocate and driving force behind the Avalon Bay housing ghetto on Needham St.
Members of the NHNAC, including
it’s current president Serge Ndelkovic,
met with executives, carried water for and provided neighborhood support for Avalon Bay, then promptly abandoned the Countryside school children, parents and school staff
after Avalon Bay dumped 24 of it’s
25 children into the school. Few, if any, of the children of the NHAC members
attended Countryside, and none of the NHNAC members even live in the Countryside school district, so promoting a large-scale development with no skin
in the game was a cowardly and puzzling endeavor.
Advocates of Ward specific aldermen/
Councilmen should ask what good
a Ward specific alderman is when
your ward alderman like ours,
Christine Samuelson, with the full
support of the NHNAC sided with Avalon Bay developers,
then blamed their
inaction on 40B laws. The NHNAC,
instead of focusing on its historic district
status should be asking the mayor why
2 new multimillion dollar schools
are being built in wealthy waban
and in the Cabot district while Countryside still has 2 “temporary”
modulars that have been on the property for at least a dozen years, giving the school more of an education
trailer park appearance than a school.
With “advocates” like the NHNAC,
who needs enemies?
The Mayor’s office has sent out another email clarifying the purpose of the open house on November 2:
When it says “community open house,” does it mean for Upper Falls residents only, as it seems? If so why are reps from the 3 ward 5 NACs welcome or is anyone welcome? Is the Newtonville NAC invited? Are reps from the Nonantum Neighborhood Associstion welcome? This project will affect the entire city. Sounds like it could be a great addition.
I do hope the city is aware of the problems Northland is facing in Connecticut and will be mindful in establishing contracts.
Bob says, “I’m pleased that one of Mayor Warren’s top priorities is to fully engage the community in promoting the best possible outcome for the Upper Falls Village, housing advocates and the businesses that will locate there. A willingness to work collectively and the fact that a functioning area council will be involved in the process makes a successful outcome more likely. We know that from our own experience in the Highlands.”
I will be pleased if the mayor fully engages the city in promoting the best possible outcome for the city. This project is one of the biggest in the city and will affect the entire city.
You make it seem as if a “functioning area counsel” is a necessity for the mayor to make the best deal, particularly since you will be there as a member of one of the other 2 in Ward 5 and Sallee from the other one. Sounds more like a clique.
If that premise is true, then the rest of the city isn’t being fairly represented but ward 5 has it covered.
@Marti Bowen -the Nov 2 open house is being hosted by the developer to present preliminary plans and drawings to anyone who’s interested. So yes anyone from Nonantum or West Newton (or south chicopee ;-) ) i is welcome to attend if they are interested in the project.
Likewise, the developer is,also planning on making a presentation to the Upper Falls Area Council at their Nov meeting. Anyone from anywhere who has,an interest in the project can attend Area Council meetings too.