Just in time for the start of school, construction is set to begin on solar carports at Newton South High School.  According to a letter from Principal Joel Stembridge, it seems there will be a significant loss of parking until at least November, and parking spaces are being marked out on Brandeis Road, which is already pretty tough to navigate at peak times. 

If we really want to go green, we should take the opportunity to find ways to reduce traffic at South and encourage students to get to school without a car.  With the temporary loss of parking and road capacity, it seems like a great time to start that discussion.  I’m still holding out hope that someone will seize the opportunity to make a safe path for students, who generally end up walking directly through heavy morning drop-off traffic in the parking lot.  Our kids deserve better.  It seems when South was expanded, nobody considered how kids would get to the new Goldrick entrance unless they were driven.  We’ve done a little better since then at school design, but old habits die hard.