VIDEO: Watch the City Council vote on Webster Woods and Northland
For those who missed it — and for those who want to relive it again or show their floor speech to their mom — here’s the Dec. 2, 2019 Newton City Council meeting where both the unanimous vote to take Webster Woods and the 17-7 vote to approve the Northland project took place.
Webster Woods approved
Tonight the City Council unanimously approved taking the undeveloped portion of Webster Woods by eminent domain.Let BC’s Father Leahy know you support preserving Webster Woods by eminent domain
Gloria Gavris posted one of those comments that seems worth turning into a separate thread: Have 3 minutes? Send Father Leahy a quick email & tell him you support the eminent domain taking and want Webster Woods protected as open space for generations to come....Boston College concern trolls on Webster Woods
From a reader, we received a copy of the most recent letter from Boston College to its neighbors. The full text of the letter, below. It amounts to a factually sketchy warning that your elected representatives don’t have your best interests in mind. BC, however,...Should Newton take Webster Woods from Boston College by eminent domain?
The Globe has published columns in favor and opposed to Mayor Fuller’s plan to take Webster Webster Woods from Boston College by eminent domain.VIDEO: Watch Fuller’s presentation to CPA committee about Webster Woods process
Well done, Mayor.
I didn’t want to miss this chance to say that I thought that Mayor Fuller’s current update has an exceptionally clear and complete summary of the eminent domain process for taking Webster Woods.BC says employees, alumni will punish Fuller for efforts to take Webster Woods
Both the Globe and Newton Patch take deep dives this morning into Newton Mayor Ruthanne Fuller’s efforts to take 17 acres of Webster Woods from Boston College by eminent domain.
The Globe’s John Hilliard revisits the decision to by then Mayor Setti Warren to pass up a chance to purchase the woods when Congregation Mishkan Tefila was first looking to sell it.
“We reached out to the city, but they didn’t show any interest,” said Steven Kaitz, one of three co-presidents of the congregation.
And Patch’s Jenna Fisher quotes Boston College spokesperson Jack Dunn who says ts Fuller will
RightSize criticizes saving woods, while fighting to save parking lot
RightSize Riverside — the Auburndale group that has been fighting to stop redeveloping the Riverside MBTA parking lot — issued this statement on Twitter regarding efforts to preserve undeveloped forest at Webster Woods. Anyone catch the Mayor’s...BC: ‘We are disappointed that Mayor Fuller has made this unfortunate decision’
The Globe’s John Hilliard is reporting that Boston College opposes Mayor Ruthanne Fuller plan for Newton to acquire approximately 17 acres of Webster Woods through eminent domain
“We are disappointed that Mayor Fuller has made this unfortunate decision, which we intend to oppose to the fullest extent possible using all legal avenues,” BC spokesman Jack Dunn said.