Story of the Week – Brenda Noel

Story of the Week – Brenda Noel

From time to time I dive into the archive of 100’s of stories that have been told at the Nomad Story Slam over the last three years and pull out one of my favorites. This past November we held a special night – “Election Edition” in which 17...
DPW needs your kid’s graphic design skills

DPW needs your kid’s graphic design skills

I just went on the city’s web site to find an email address for the DPW.  I wanted to send a herogram to them for plowing my tiny street tonight. While poking around there I came across the DPW’s T shirt design competition. I LOVE this idea!. ...
Big news for St Patrick’s Day breakfast

Big news for St Patrick’s Day breakfast

The 2nd Annual Newton Political Paddy’s Day Breakfast is taking off.  We just got confirmation that our “mystery guest” will definitely be there on Friday.  He is a nationally known political pundit that you may have seen on CBS, CNN, FoxNews, NBC,...


Batten down the hatches, buy shopping carts full of bread and milk, and warm up the plows.  IT’S COMING HERE!!!! The predictions are all over the map from 5″ to 24″ but everyone seems to agree that we’re going to have some kind of storm...
Newton’s High School schedule

Newton’s High School schedule

I just received the Newton School Committee’s email summarizing Monday’s meeting.  I clicked through to the High School Principals’ Update in which there was a section about “High school start times”. What caught my eye was this –...
The aqueducts – walk the third leg

The aqueducts – walk the third leg

As I mentioned recently, the Newton Conservators regularly lead wonderful aqueduct walks along the Cochituate and Sudbury aqueducts.  Their walks start in Waban Square, head down the Cochituate to Four Corners, down the Sudbury pipe to Echo Bridge and then back to...
That’s one big coyote

That’s one big coyote

Boston TV news is abuzz tonight with the news of the hulking coyote photographed with a cat in its mouth in Auburndale. That’s one big coyote and the caught-in-the-the-act photo definitely sends chills up the spine of our new kitten owning household,...

How did Linda Plaut become Linda Plaut?

indaLinda Plaut is the director of the Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs.  Her office is behind or involved in all kinds of wonderful city sponsored activities – everything from Arts in the Park, the Festival of the Arts, the street pianos, the 4th of...
More stories from the candidates

More stories from the candidates

After all the great feedback I’ve heard about the candidate stories, I thought I’d go digging in the video archives. Here are five more stories from candidates and elected officials from earlier Nomad Story Slams. The first Nomad Story Slam was in Nov...
What the election means for Village14

What the election means for Village14

Tip O’Neill famously used to say “all politics are local.”  Sitting here at this keyboard, that means Village14. Last night’s election will lead to a few changes here.  V14 regular Andreae Downs lost her keys to Village14 a while back when she...