by Gail Spector | Mar 3, 2016 | Dogs, Newton, wildlife |
I have it from a very good source — my mail carrier — that a coyote attacked a dog in Newton Highlands (south of Route 9) over the weekend. I don’t have any additional information. But it’s a good reminder to pay attention. ... by Greg Reibman | Oct 7, 2013 | Dogs, parks |
Paul Levy asks, finds the answer (it has to do with dog owners, not lazy employees) and then begins a conversation about a work-around.
by Nathan Phillips | May 17, 2013 | Dogs |
After I realized that I no longer had a reason not to get a dog, my family recently adopted a five-year-old rescue dog named Stella. I’ve fallen in love, of course, and want to provide her with better medical care than I ever gave my children. I want someone who...