by Andy Levin | Oct 9, 2018 | Chamber of Commerce, recreational marijuana, taxes |
Here’s Greg Reibman’s column about the potential fiscal impact of a proposed ban on recreational marijuana stores here, as it appears on the Newton-Needham Regional Chamber’s website.
A ballot referendum that would ban the sale of adult-use recreational marijuana in Newton would result in the loss of millions of dollars annually in local tax revenue, according to city projections.
Given the nascent nature of the marijuana industry, it is difficult to pinpoint exactly how much revenue could be on the table. However, the revenue from a three percent local recreational marijuana tax and up to three percent in local host agreements could yield over $2 million and perhaps more, said Jonathan Yeo, chief operating officer for the City of Newton.
“These new dollars could potentially equal or exceed the [$1.95 million] Newton now collects annually from the local meals taxes from 400 restaurants,” Yeo said.
by Andy Levin | May 8, 2018 | Newton |
One of the joys I had as editor of the TAB was going into my inbox on Mondays and opening Mark Marderosian’s editorial cartoon. Even these past couple months since leaving, his artwork on the opinion page was always one of the first items I’d look for.... by Andy Levin | Apr 22, 2018 | Newton |
The Sunday Globe features a piece by Jon Chesto about developer Robert Korff and his plans to remake the Washington Street Corridor. For those of us who have been following the situation for the past several years, beginning with Korff’s purchase of the Orr... by Andy Levin | Apr 17, 2018 | Newton |
Mayor Ruthanne Fuller presented her FY 2019 budget to the City Council earlier this evening. Here’s a transcript of her remarks. President Marc Laredo, Vice President David Kalis, President Emeritus Lisle Baker, Chair Ruth Goldman, Vice Chair Steve... by Andy Levin | Apr 3, 2018 | Newton |
Two weeks after Ward 4 Councilor at-Large Lenny Gentile chartered a $500,000 request from the mayor’s office to fund a master plan/rezoning project for the Washington Street Corridor, City Council approved the money Monday night by a 17-6 vote. At issue was...
by Andy Levin | Mar 20, 2018 | economic development, Newton, Washington Street Corridor |
A decision on whether to approve Mayor Ruthanne Fuller’s request for $500,000 to study redevelopment of the Washington Street Corridor will have to wait a couple weeks. The City Council appeared poised to overwhelmingly approve the funding Monday night, after an...
by Andy Levin | Jun 7, 2015 | Newton |
The 40th annual Newton Highlands Village Day will be Sunday, June 14, from 11AM to 4PM on Lincoln Street between Walnut and Chester. Net proceeds will benefit the Highlands community via the Hyde Center and Newton Highlands Neighborhood Area Council. The 5K Road Race... by Andy Levin | Feb 3, 2015 | Events
Due to the storm closing Newton South HS today, the Annual Teen Summer Program Expo has been moved to Temple Beth Avodah (45 Puddingstone Lane, Newton) this evening, 5:30-8PM. If you know of other events that have been rescheduled or moved, please note them in the... by Andy Levin | Jan 28, 2014 | Events |
From the Newton Family Singers: Pete Seeger, the banjo-picking troubadour who sang for migrant workers, college students and star-struck presidents, and introduced generations of Americans to their folk music heritage, died this week at the age of 94. Come celebrate... by Andy Levin | Oct 9, 2013 | Newton
Thursday evening, the First Unitarian Society in Newton will host a film and conversation about the era of Boston busing and desegregation in the 1970s. The film, Can We Talk?, was commissioned by the Union of Minority Neighborhoods (UMN) to highlight...