In a different thread @Jon made the case for adding a Like button for comments and also proposed adding “threaded comments”.  You may have seen threaded comments on other sites, where comments get clearly organized into categories so that below one post their can be multiple distinct conversations.   In the case of very busy threads with 100’s of comments, it would make it far easier to follow the multiple simultaneous conversations.

Here’s Jon’s original comment that kicked this discussion off …

I haven’t posted here in a very long time, but given ALL the threads about elections, peoples’ feelings, assumptions, inferences etc., I would like to suggest two things: allow people to respond directly to a commenter so that the thread stays organized by topic. Seeing a response 10 comments down, then another 25 comments down, makes the thread disorganized and difficult to follow. Also, bring back the “Like” “Dislike” buttons. I myself am too cautious a person to comment, as the chance of being misunderstood or eviscerated here are high. The buttons might also provide some feedback to posters as to how their comments are received by the larger community.

Thanks Jon for the feedback,   I think the site, as is, works reasonably well for the normal times. I totally agree that when there is a burst of 100’s of comments on a single thread it quickly becomes unmanageable and confusing.  Both of your suggestions may help with those cases.

The Like button is a feature that can be easily turned off/on. It used to be on, then was turned off quite a while ago. I don’t remember the exact rationale for that choice.

I don’t know if “threading” the comments is a simple or difficult-to-make change to the site. We’ll check with our site admin and find out.

A third issue is whether or not to ban anonymous commenters. i.e. commenters with handles like LDS, Mary Mary Quite Contrary, Jon, fignewtonville, etc would be required to post under their real first and last name.   It’s one of the most common requests we hear, with people strenuously lined up on both sides, each with their own compelling reasons.  One thing you should be aware of is that we have no technical means to (reliably) verify that the person truly is who they say they are. The only enforcement mechanism is that if someone somehow determines that a person is commenting under a pseudonym they could be booted off the site for violating our rules.

We’d like to get some feedback from readers/commenters about their preferences. I remember when the Like button were removed there were various people on both sides arguing for and against,

Here’s a simple Doodle poll to voice your preferences on these three possible changes. Click each of the three boxes if you support each change, or don’t click if you don’t supports the change …  and then click the Send button.

Once we hear back about the difficulty of implementing “threaded comments”, and compile your poll responses, the V14 posters will try to come up with a consensus among ourselves about whether or/not to make these changes to the site.  To be clear, the results of the doodle poll will not necessarily determine the new features or policies, those results are just to provide more information from you about what your preferences are to help guide us when discussing the proposed changes.

Thanks @Newtoner for the good suggestion to move this to its own thread.