The Globe’s Deputy Director for Editorials, Alan Wirzbicki, has a signed op-ed this morning with some powerful comment on zoning, Saving Nonantum, and Newton’s upcoming election

Here’s the key paragraph:

There’s a very good case that Newton, of all places, should allow two-family and multifamily homes (which, it’s important to emphasize, is not the same as requiring them). Single-family-only zoning rules, which prevent the construction of cheaper multifamily housing, have contributed to America’s residential segregation since their introduction in the 1920s. In a city that sometimes seems like it has more Black Lives Matter signs than actual Black people, you’d think the case for change would resonate.

He also:

He concludes:

But if those feelings translate into a setback for zoning reform on Tuesday, the city is likely to change anyway — just the way it’s already changing, into an unaffordable sea of McMansions.

In other words, the candidates who claim to be most bothered by the teardown-to-McMansion/McMinium cycle are the ones most likely to perpetuate it.