Route 52 suspension notice

Today, Newton loses two bus routes: 505 and 52. They’re marked as suspended, but when the MBTA suspends service, it rarely comes back.

Citing low-ridership and revenue shortfalls during the pandemic, the MBTA announced cuts for a long list of services last year. Most cuts are schedule changes that are likely to be revisited as we come out of the pandemic, but effective today, 20 low-ridership bus routes, including two in Newton, are eliminated. Route 505 served the Washington Street corridor where transit-oriented development has already begun. Route 52 ran by many institutions including the Caroll Center, UMass and several other schools, and provided connections to transit in Watertown, Newton Corner and Newton Centre for areas with no other public transit options. With the economy in recovery, the region coming out of the pandemic, and climate change increasing, we should have more public transit, not less.

Savings from all service cuts are reported to save $21 million. Since the cuts were announced, Federal pandemic assistance has started to funnel well over a billion dollars to the MBTA.  The MBTA is putting most of those funds in the bank. This is wrong on so many levels. Local officials, including Mayor Fuller, have spoken out passionately against the service cuts.  It’s time for our leaders to call this move out for the dirty trick it was.  The MBTA has been eager to make these cuts in Newton for years, and they took advantage of the pandemic to do it.