I am posting this on behalf of the Area Councils Debate working group (of which I am a member) to clear up any confusion.

All candidates received the February 17, 2021 email and attachment reprinted in their entirety at the end of this statement.

As was clearly stated in the procedures, at item #9:

“We ask you to make your Zoom backgrounds as neutral as possible by removing campaign or social statement paraphernalia and to emulate what we do in an auditorium or other live setting.”

This policy is consistent with the procedures used in prior debates held in public spaces and sponsored by the Area Councils during which campaign literature and paraphernalia also were not permitted on stage. 

The candidates were asked to enter the Zoom 10 minutes prior to the start of the debate to confirm that they could be seen and heard and to discuss any final procedural questions. During the pre-air session, one candidate was asked to remove a social statement sign that was in the background of his room (i.e., a flag-like sign thanking essential workers) and he removed the sign upon request.  Mr. Barash was also asked to remove the social statement banner in his background and a discussion with him ensued.  Mr. Barash was never told that he would be barred from participating in the debate if he did not comply.  Instead, it was suggested that the Zoom host remotely change Mr. Barash’s background to a neutral greenscreen. One of the working group members reminded him that the guidelines had been clear that no social statement signs were to be displayed. When it was determined that it was technically infeasible for the Zoom host to modify his background remotely, the suggestion was made that the moderator could explain that Mr. Barash’s social statement display was inconsistent with the previously distributed debate guidelines. At that point, Mr. Barash removed the display.

The debate working group was accommodating to requests from the candidates about various issues such as scheduling.  Had Mr. Barash notified the working group of any concerns he had about the procedural guidelines prior to air time, the matter could have been discussed in advance and any procedural changes distributed to all candidates.  Mr. Barash did not raise any concerns about the procedural guidelines. 

The four Area Councils have produced debates for every contested seat in Newton over the last 8 years which have included Mayoral, City Council, and School Committee races. Videos of this and previous debates are available on YouTubeFacebook, and NewTV’s Vimeo channel

From: Rena Getz
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2021 8:47 PM
To: John Oliver <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>; [email protected] <[email protected]>
Cc: Sallee Lipshutz <[email protected]>
Subject: Final Procedural Update for 4AC Debate – Sunday, February 21st, 2 – 4:30pm

Dear Candidates

We are looking forward to your participation at our Four Area Council Debate, this coming Sunday, February 21st: 2:00 – 4:30 pm.

Please take a moment to review the attached revised guidelines for the event. We have updated the process with additional details so that everyone participating would have a better understanding of the Debate set-up. 

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to our working group or to Sallee Lipshutz ([email protected]).

On behalf of the Four Area Council Working Group,

Rena Getz

When responding, please be aware that the Massachusetts Secretary of State has determined that most email is public record and therefore cannot be kept confidential.


Date: February 17, 2021

To: Candidates Barash, Lucas, Micley, Oliver and Ranalli:

From: The Four Area Council Debate Showcase Committee:

This is a procedure update on your participation in the Zoom Area Councils’ debate taking place on Sunday, February 21. 

There have been several changes, so please read this closely. While we have guidelines for our debate process, we do give our moderator plenty of latitude to make her own decisions and adjust things as she sees fit.

  1. The debate time frame has been extended, beginning at 2pm and ending at about 4:30pm.
    1. We ask you to register for this Zoom meeting as soon as possible at: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpf-mrqT0tG9ZvrnYqyo-BULJAS3sf1zVX so that you will be admitted to the event and not sent to an overflow screen.
    2. We also ask you to arrive 10 minutes early (1:50pm)
  2. There will be no opening statements from the candidates. The moderator will introduce you with the bio you submitted.
  3. Answers, in general, should be under 45 seconds but the moderator may allow more time.
  4. Rebuttals will be limited to 30 seconds, but the moderator will have the discretion to extend, and/or allow a counter.
  5. All candidates and our moderator will see a 15-second warning before their time allotment and then a STOP.
  6. Moderator may ask her own questions and probe into answers as she sees fit.
  7. At the end of each debate, the candidates will be given the opportunity to ask one question. In the two-person Ward 1 debate, the question will go to the candidate’s opponent. In the Ward 2 three-way race, each candidate will have the opportunity to decide whether to direct their question to one or both of their opponents.
  8. Candidates closing statements are limited to 30 – 45 seconds.
  9. We ask you to make your Zoom backgrounds as neutral as possible by removing campaign or social statement paraphernalia and to emulate what we do in an auditorium or other live setting.
  10. To further this policy, we ask that all candidates not use or read from any prepared notes or receive information or coaching during the debates.
  11. Ward 1 is expected to be 1 hour and Ward 2 will be 90 minutes as there are 3 candidates.
  12. The order in which the two debates will be determined will be by the flip of a coin at the beginning of the debate.
Any questions from the public that we do not cover will be forwarded to the campaigns so that you may choose to answer them afterward.

These procedural specifications supersede the previous instructions on your original invitation. The changes have been made to accommodate the number of candidates in the limited time frame.

Thank you for your cooperation in helping us to introduce you to the voting public and good luck on March 16.
Questions? Sallee Lipshutz, 617-965-1379 or [email protected].