A Political Action Committee recently filed with the state that appears to have the goal of trying to “Save Nonantum.” Says the website: “Nonantum is under attack by a group of radical politicians who want to end our traditions and eliminate our culture.”
I’m not entirely sure what culture or traditions are under attack. The site calls out the St. Mary Of Carmen Society Festival and the traditional Christmas Tree Lighting but doesn’t seem to indicate that either of these are on anyone’s chopping block from a political perspective. The GoFundMe page (more on that below) claims “…’the Lake’ is under attack by a group of radical politician’s [sic] who want to stop our traditions and end our culture. Instead of respecting our differences, they claim our traditions are offensive. They want an end to all the Italian colors and flags in our neighborhood. They have already force [sic] the cancelation of celebrations of being an Italian American. If we allow them to continue they will end our festival, our procession of saints in our streets and even put an end to our Santa!”
As someone who lives nearby, I would add that I find Adams Street to be one of the most interesting roads in all of Newton, with a variety of businesses and religious institutions that are absolutely fascinating. Still, the street, like many in Newton, is changing with additional housing being built as part of smaller developments that often don’t get the attention of a Northland or Riverside.
But, as far as the PAC goes, there’s a twist. The group is using GoFundMe as a fundraising mechanism, which causes a couple of issues that have apparently already been reported to the Office of Campaign and Political Finance. First, nowhere on the website does it indicate that this is a PAC. Second, GoFundMe doesn’t necessarily collect all the necessary information that OCPF requires of PACs, so there are questions as to whether the money can be spent legally.
As a matter of full disclosure here, I’m on record as supporting Madeline Ranalli and Bryan Barash in the upcoming race.
Put this on the list of things you never thought you were going to be asked about in a political campaign.
Let me state for the record that I have no desire to eliminate any Nonantum traditions. My wife Claudia and I got our first place together right on the border of Nonantum and Newton Corner. I still ride my bike into Nonantum all the time. I don’t know why anyone would be against flying the Italian flag or painting the streets green, white and red, but I will state for the record that I am for being able to continue doing those things. I’ve been to the St. Mary of Carmen festival many times, and in fact hope it resumes safely this summer. And as it relates to Santa, I even made a donation to the Nonantum Childrens Christmas Party Association this winter. I have the receipt if anyone is interested.
I hope we can put this to bed and move on to the real issues facing our community, like how we stop climate change, make Newton a more affordable place to live, fight racial injustice, and support our schools.
This is nothing but thinly veiled racism. I love Nonantum, the holiday traditions, and my own Italian heritage, but everything about this is code for racism.
“As a matter of full disclosure here, I’m on record as supporting Madeline Ranalli and Bryan Barash in the upcoming race.”
Can I ask a question? Where did it state on the GoFundMe Page the two names you mentioned above? That only assured me by you mentioning these two names that there has been discussion of ending the Italian Heritage and Culture that the Lake holds and now you are all trying to back track because you secret was revealed.
I can not image out of all the councilors in Newton, (Far to many) why these two names were mentioned there must be some truth to the GoFundMe.
I have lived in Newton for 63 years and I am a taxpayer. I have three successful business that are run out of Newton, I grew up with the festival and have very good memories of my family who have since passed. Also, the Christmas celebrations. The Nonantom Children’s Christmas Party, open their doors to all children, not just Italian children. I have a son with cerebral palsy who gets a thrill seeing the firefighters, fire engine, and the characters and every year they come by my house to see my son, they never forget him. There are groups out there who protest and want you to respect their culture, but they will not let you in, the Nonantum Italian’s want our culture respected as well only difference is, we welcome all cultures and let them join in with our celebrations.
It is time to stop throwing the racists card around, it is getting old. You speak out for yourself and you are labeled “racists” or something you say has a “racists tone,” this needs to stop if we are ever going to have unity.
But, as I started this comment, I would like the composer to tell me why he mentioned those two names who are running for council?
Oh, come on. We know they are going after Barash and Ranalli. No need to play coy.
Mary where does it say that Nonantum is racist? Really am I missing something other than I am sick and tired of using the word racism. What about the Thin Red Flag who did that offend and how could that flag be offensive to anyone.
I’m with Terry…we throw the word racist around so much now that it truly takes away from the meaning and awful acts of true racism. Don’t like something, we call it racist as a way to put it down. Please don’t degrade the word Mary. Many of the residents of Nonantum obviously feel under attack, maybe you should try to do some understanding rather than launch baseless insults.
@Jacquie I mention that purely in the name of full disclosure. I did not want anyone suggesting that I had some kind of hidden agenda or anything like that. This is a story about the race and while I’m a blogger on this site, I’m also an active participant in the race who has hosted coffees and donated to campaigns. To me, leaving that out would have felt wrong. I was not suggesting that they opposed these specific candidates.
@Mary, Mary, who is going after these two candidates? Did it say anywhere in the GoFundMe post their two names? Did it say anywhere candidates? No, it just said “radical politicians” so please point out to me how we are playing coy and going after these two? To be honest, I have no idea who the hell they are. They are not in my ward, so I have no interest. And if you reread this thread, you will see the author of this thread was who mentioned their names.
@Chuck, my question is, where did it say anyone’s name? The GoFundMe post said “radical politicians” did not say current councilors, or incoming councilors or candidates. So it is not a stupid question when asking how you came up with these two names out of all the candidates. What it shows me is that these two must be the two candidates who are behind this and trying to put an end to Nonantum’s Italian traditions.
Why is everything such an *issue*? Don’t see one here.
Regardless of which side of the debate one agrees with, the Columbus Day debate was big deal in Newton, I’m assuming this has something to do with Save Nonantum and I see no issue with a neighborhood trust to preserve their customs. It’s not exclusionary. It’s not racist.
And there was ZERO mention of the upcoming City Council elections. No one bashed Bryan or Maddie, so please, no more comments about politics after this.
Sometimes, there’s simply no boogeyman…no villain. #peace
@Jacquie please go back and read again. I never said that they were targeting these two candidates. I only said that I am backing these two candidates. My statement was tacked on at the end standing fully on its own and done as a matter of disclosure in an article about this particular race.
But as it appears you are involved in this group (in your comment you used “we”), can you add clarity to the statements above? Which candidates has this group identified as “radical”?
Should put the disclaimer that you’re actively supporting someone that’s trying to gentrify the only cultural village in newton at the beginning of the article instead of hiding it at the end. You’re also supporting candidates that are trying to defund a police force that has made newton one of the safest cities in America for decades. I don’t know what ivory tower you come from but the hard working blue collar families that live in Nonantum know what these candidates are trying to do to this area. It’s only time before the high rent properties price these families that have been here for generations out of newton. If that’s what you want just say that.
Hang on a minute… you wrote that the group identified “radical politicians”. Now to me a politician is someone who has been elected to office – not just any contender for office. Why did you go from politicians to candidates when the site mentioned politicians?
And without having done a deep dive, other than knowing that some members of the Italian American community are upset about changing Columbus Day to Indigenous People’s Day, it would not seem to me that Bryan or Madeline are the focus of the concerns raised – neither is identified and neither were involved in the adoption of Indigenous People Day. So, seeing Bryan’s post addressing a question that does not appear to have been asked really does make me think that there must be more to this than has been shared thus far. Otherwise, Bryan’s first post here just doesn’t make much sense to me because I don’t see where the question has been addressed to him there or here.
Frankly, I could envision some here in Newton being disturbed to see the colors of the Italian flag painted on city property in Nonantum (Adam’s Street and on fire hydrants). It wouldn’t surprise me to learn that the giant Santa in Pellegrini Park irks some of our neighbors, just as I suspect some folks don’t particularly care for trees at City Hall bedecked with colored lights in December. We all have our own sensitivities and boundaries of what we think is proper and appropriate.
So, rather than putting this in the rear view mirror, I will say now I’m quite curious to learn what’s really going on as I think there must be a back story here that hasn’t been told.
Just my own humble thoughts.
5th generation Newtonian (American/Irish/Sicilian) who loves green beer on St. Patrick’s Day, green, red and white stripes in Nonantum, and anything else that brings a touch of cheer to these difficult times.
This is a great first step! Many residents in Nonantum have had concerns about orders and anticipated changes for our neighborhood on the horizon. Too many things have occurred that our residents did not see coming. I am excited to see a true concerted effort to educate people on current issues and making it a priority to get residents to vote. Brian Barash, maybe traditions and culture are not “real issues”for you? But they mean something to the individuals that have put the effort into the creation of this political pac!
First of all, we are not going to get anywhere with you mentioning the two candidates. Why would you say you support them out of all the other candidates. To me you seem to think that this was toward these two and I asked why you would think that? I am sure I am not the only one drawing the same conclusion. But as I said, we are not going to get anywhere.
As far as being a part of Rte group, no, I am not part of the group, the “we” I am an Italian living in Newton, have been my whole life. I watched them tear apart Columbus Day, watched them disrespect the Firefighters with their flag of falling comrades, and it would not surprise me they would try to end this. The Newton Councilor’s and Newton’s Mayor, should look back on Newton’s history and see that the Italians is what made up a lot of Newton. It was the Italian men who worked for the city, doing the masonry and the landscaping. Where is the respect for their services and all they did by trying to eliminate a feast they started 87 years ago.
The Nonantum Christmas Party for years catered to families with no money and having a large family, they made sure their children had gifts and food on their table for Christmas, it has changed over the years, it has allowed more and more kids to join in but it still helps those in need. The Magni Park lights and Santa Claus donations go to the Christmas association not just for kids in the Lake but all over Newton, why should they want to take that away. You do not have to be a brain to see that Newton has had a hair across their asses regarding Nonantum and their events, complaining about the painting of the Italian flags, to hanging the flags, but it is alright to hang rainbow flags, BLM flags, do you hear any of us complaining. If anyone opens their mouths they are racists right off the bat. But you people who oppose the firefighters flag, the Italian flag and have you heard the word “racists” from any of our groups protesting? Like one post on here Mary, Mary, immediately called us racists. Please show me where anything I said or the other post from Terry said anything “racists”. It is getting sickening now.
As far as the “radical politicians” I have no idea who they were talking about, but to be honest, in my opinion they are all radical. I have lived in Newton all my life, raised a family, run 3 businesses and have had to work for years with members of City Hall and I have never faces so much arrogant people as I see today in City Hall. Years ago, everyone knew everyone one way or another, they were not out to bleed you dry. Those days are gone, now we have these people wanting to change holidays, remove statues, eliminate history, you have teachers giving parents the finger and nothing is done. You Defund the police because of some idiot, rogue cop in another state was a bad Apple. Newton has been voted the safest city for many years, we do not need to disrespect our law enforcement. This was once a very quaint city but it has changed and not for the good. We are only allowed to respect who they say we can. And the worst part, a flag that represented the lives lost for fighting fires to keep us safe and we hang a flag to show our thanks and respect for them and to show the families they left behind, thank you but because some idiot in Newton was offended, screw them.
One day, these people are going to need the firefighters and the police and then maybe they will rethink how they treated them. This city is teaching our kids to disrespect the police, when my kids grew up, I taught them when they were in trouble to go to a police officer.
Then you have this candidate who tells us she has two ovaries, yeah, so what does that mean? Does that make you do a better job? You think that was a necessary statement. I will end here, but I could go on and on. We lost the great city of Newton and that is a disgrace.
I had a great chuckle when I read your comment using a “hair across their asses”. That’s a phrase I often heard growing up – along with “oh that frosts my Ahhhsss!” Glad to know it hasn’t been lost!
To the people who are butthurt about traditions that have been in place for MANY years, too bad,get over it!!! I do not care what people want to celebrate.. I do not try to stop celebrating what other people want to celebrate, so why try and stop me??? The Festa does not exclude ANYONE! Anyone is welcome in Nonantum at any time,, Lets stop looking for something that is not there people.. What happened to being tolerant and accepting of others??? I guess that only pertains to your own agendas ! For full disclosure i DO NOT support Barash or Ranalli.. John Oliver on March 16 PLEASE and Tarik Lucas too
Can anyone point to ANYTHING that actually shows “politicians” (or anyone else) in Newton talking about eliminating the Italian colors and flags down the Lake, or getting rid of the Festa and the Big Santa? I remember a discussion on here a few years ago about the stripes in the road; a few people with the aforementioned hairs across their asses argued it was “unwelcoming”, but the overwhelming majority of commenters from all across Newton were totally for maintaining the traditions. Is this just about Columbus Day and the firefighter flag issue, or is there something else concrete going on? I wish the website and various posts I’ve seen would not be so cryptic.
Please note: a series of comments were made on this thread that contained allegations against individuals that were, to put it mildly, factually inaccurate. They were removed. If individual attacks continue then comments to this thread will be disabled.
@Lisa Parlagreco
Lisa….”they have a hair across their asses” and they are “frosting my ass.” I’m sorry, I am not being politically correct lol