Here’s an interesting exchange between a Newton resident and City Councilor. First, here’s an email sent to the City Council.

I live at 65 Taft Ave, W. Newton and am writing to voice my support for the Dunstan East proposal.


Higher density multi-family housing, in the appropriate locations, is a key to advancing my (and our) goals of both social and environmental justice in Newton. This proposal creates significantly new affordable housing, and it creates it in a location where residents will not need cars, and will be able to walk to shopping and cultural amenities and use public transit to get to work.


This is what good, thoughtful modern development looks like.


Let me know if you have questions.


Thank you.
W. Bart Lloyd | Consultant
Preservation of Affordable Housing, Inc.

And here’s the response from Newton City Councilor Lenny Gentile (cc’d to the council and planning department.

Just what we need. Another high density residential development with people living on top of one another. It should be built just in time for the next pandemic.



Lenny Gentile