The Newton City Council discussed but did not vote on the Northland project as originally scheduled on Monday Nov. 18. A vote is now expected on Dec. 2
by Greg Reibman | Nov 18, 2019 | City Council, Newton, Northland | 5 comments
The Newton City Council discussed but did not vote on the Northland project as originally scheduled on Monday Nov. 18. A vote is now expected on Dec. 2
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This project is way too out of scale !!!
It will impose costs to the cities existing citizenry including new classrooms and additional teachers at Countryside, that will not be covered by the “quid pro quo”, ( aka extortive bribe ), that the developer has given up.
To expect that 800 units of housing, retail and commercial office space will exist with only 1400 cars as proposed by the developer and complicit city planners / councilors is completely pie in the sky dreaming. And to add to the joke, to propose and accept additional financial pie sweeteners, ( monies paid the city ), as recompense for not meeting traffic / transportation goals will not cure this cancer. The “train will have left the station”,.. “the cattle are out of the barn”,.. “ the ship will have sailed”,.. and no amount of fines will correct the traffic problems we will be faced with.
Is anybody in city hall willing to stand up to what is going on here!
Very few councilors oppose it. Laredo postponed the vote because Councilors Lappin and B.Glaser were absent.
I wonder what the vote would be if delayed to January.
The votes are being pushed through early.
Early? This has been before Land Use for 14 months. There were, I believe, one dozen public hearings and many more working sessions and presentations
And yet after all this time and work, the local neighborhood is still vehemently opposed. Clearly there is much more work that needs to be done before any Northland proposal gets approved by the City Council.
Do you believe the majority of the neighborhood surrounding Northland supports the project right now?
Should that matter?