NewTV’s election night coverage Tuesday began with a wide ranging interview with Mayor Ruthanne Fuller where she discussed Webster Woods, NewCAL, Newton Power Choice, Northland, Riverside and other developments (including breaking news about a residential tower at Chestnut Hill Square) and zoning (along with what types of development projects might be proposed in the future).
This same video also includes interviews with Gail Spector and a BU student journalist, School Committee member Steve Siegel, City Council President Marc Laredo and Councilor Cheryl Lappin, following by election results and analysis.
I think Jenn Adams is terrific; actually continues to be terrific (for I believe her nearly 20 year tenure at NewTV)! She’s always more than informed, incisive and a great interviewer.
It was a pleasure watching her informative job on election night!
Is the commander in chiefess committed to resolving the lingering municipal contracts? I know that financial hardship plagues the poverty-stricken city of
1,300+ millionaires. Is there a way to bring it together even though we are in the clutches of an aggressive economic downturn? An inner voice is telling me that the honorable Mayor Ruthanne Fuller will see this to fruition. Where there is a will, there is a way!!!!