We have invited all candidates running for contested seats in the upcoming Newton election to submit a guest post to Village 14. The format and content of the post is entirely up to them.
City Council candidate Jake Auchincloss who is seeking reelection for his at large seat in Ward 2, has submitted his NewTV video.
Decision 2019: Jake Auchincloss from NewTV Government on Vimeo.
More meh.
Councilor Auchincloss is one of our more prolific writers. His constituent e-mails are always thoughtful and informative, arguably the best among all our councilors’ newsletters.
But just as I was disappointed that Councilor Norton took the lazy route and submitted her NewTV video instead of some original content, I feel the same way here.
In Norton’s case, I’m still hoping she will explain how she balances her role as one of our state’s top environmental leaders while opposing local smart growth developments.
In Auchincloss’ case, I’d like to hear him talk about why he feels he should be reelected to the City Council at the same time he’s engaged in a run for Congress.
Norton has repeatedly avoided responding to this question. I hope Auchincloss will take the time to respond here.
How is it ‘lazy’ to submit a video that is intended for this exact purpose: addressing constituents about my fitness for office? Instead of getting territorial about Village 14, examine what I say:
1. Strong track record of negotiating with developers for better traffic management and housing/retail affordability.
2. Consistent vote in favor of Green Newton priorities.
3. Defender, at every turn, of public education and our teachers as the beating heart of Newton
4. Engaged and transparent communicator, both in person and online, with my constituents.
As for transparency: I was advised by many to wait until after the city council election to announce for Congress. That was the ‘political’ tack, and many politicians have done that before. I thought that was not the right approach: I wanted to be up front with voters about my plans before they went to the ballot box.
I’ve left my full-time job so that I have the bandwidth to serve as city councilor while campaigning. If I win in 2020 while a city councilor, then Newton gains a congressman. If I lose, then Newton keeps its city councilor.
On item 1) Now there’s a bank at Washington place Jake (20-4 vote ). Just what I need…another bank to…never go to ( banks have automated themselves out of existence for most things ).
@Councilor Auchincloss: Thanks for making the time to directly answer my question. Much appreciated. I’m now bating .500.
I do think it’s lazy for candidates to simply submit their NewTV video rather than taking Jerry up on his offer to provide some original content, especially since TAB is apparently not publishing candidate columns for, quite possibly, the first time in its history. There’s just not a lot of venues for candidates to share their vision.
But clearly you are not alone here. So far, one of your colleagues and one contender have selected the same path. I hope other candidates choose otherwise.