Opt-Out Newton, the committee behind last year’s unsuccessful campaign to ban recreational marijuana shops in Newton recently sent this email to its supporters…
Dear Opt Out Supporter,
As you know, the current city council leans in favor of the expansion of marijuana retail and thwarted us at every turn in our efforts to get an intelligible, non-confusing marijuana question on the ballot. However, we were usually only one or two votes away from having more sensible marijuana policies. With some changes in the city council, we hope that there will be a more reasonable marijuana policy regarding zoning, siting, and regulation in Newton that puts the public interest above the interests of marijuana companies, who spent over $328,000 on the election to defeat Opt Out. Additionally, we want to make sure we have a city council that does NOT vote to allow marijuana cafes and bars to open in Newton.
In the coming weeks, we will be sending out a list of city council candidates who support more sensible marijuana policies. In the interim, we wanted to introduce you to six new candidates for city council, all of whom are different, but all of whom support more reasonable marijuana policies. This is not yet an endorsement, as some of them are challenging current city councilors who also supported Opt Out, but come meet them this weekend to find out more about their positions:
he New Challengers:
- Lisa Gordon – Ward Coucilor, Ward 6 – Facing Brenda Noel who voted against supporting Opt Out: http://vote4lisa.org/
- Tarik Lucas – Councilor-at-large, Ward 2 – Facing Susan Albright who orchestrated the campaign against Opt Out: https://tariklucas.org/
- Jennifer Bentley – Councilor-at-large, Ward 2 – Also facing Susan Albright: https://www.
- Julia Malakie – Ward Councilor, Ward 3 – Campaigning for open ward seat: https://www.
- Rena Getz – Ward Councilor, Ward 5 (who has a preliminary election this Tuesday, September 10 — Get out and vote! Rena is the only Opt Out supporter in this race): https://renagetz.org/
- Pam Wright – Councilor-at-large, Ward 3 – Facing two other Opt Out supporters. We have good choices in this ward: WrightForNewton.org
Continually surprised to see the Opt Out group supporting Rena Getz who said to me last year that it was a no-brainer to legalize retail marijuana in Newton and that it would be affirmed easily on the fall 2018 ballot.
I assumed we had essentially similar positions on the issue based on that conversation. (The other candidate in the race voted against state legalization, contrary to the majority position in Ward 5.)
It’s interesting that Opt Out is promoting Lucas and Bentley against Albright. Not mentioned is Auchincloss, who was an outspoken supporter of Opt Out (and detractor of Big Marijuana), but also supports mixed-use development. Based on 2017 results, Auchincloss is more vulnerable than Albright. Is Opt Out pursuing a hidden NIMBY agenda?
Opt-out Newton is giving those candidates the kiss of death. You’d expect them to have learned that at this point. I assume future emails will endorse councilors Auchincloss and Schwartz, who were clearly supportive of opting out and are facing challengers this time.
This meet and greet today of the six new challengers is not an Opt Out event, and as the memo says, Opt Out has not yet endorsed them. We just wanted to give our mailing list a chance to get to know the new faces and decide for themselves who they will support.
Opt Out does not intend to weigh in on development issues as our supporters have varying stances on all other issues facing the city.
@Sarah, thank you for the response. Who is sponsoring the event, and when and where will it be held?
The six challengers are sponsoring the event together and it is going on right now at Newton center green. I think it started at 11. you can look at the email above to get more details
@Bill Humphrey. It’s probably because Opt Out voters, like the rest of us, aren’t focused exclusively on just one issue. This isn’t really all that peculiar in a city with the size and complexity of Newton. I’ve been canvassing for Rena and finding a friendly reception, even from voters opting for either you or Cathy. I’ve even won a few over by stressing Rena’s stand on measured and prudent development, what I tell them about her deep and intimate knowledge of the evolving zoning reform process, and her passion and commitment to responsive and transparent government. Above all, I’ve been impressed and heartened by just how nice and friendly the people of this ward are. Some have even invited me in for a cup of coffee or tea. We are so fortunate to live here.
This makes no sense on several levels. Why did OON not invite the city councilors who supported their position?
What is a more sensible than the extremely stringent local and state regulations already in place? Let’s get real here- the only people talking realistically about marijuana cafes in Newton are the people who organized Opt Out.
Once again they’re using scare tactics to promote an agenda that lost at the ballot box – citywide and decisively.
I just reread the letter from OON. This is clearly just an event to highlight new candidates who oppose development.
However, the rest of my statement stands. Once again OON is using scare tactics that the voters have heard many times before.
These prohibitionists remind me of zombies. All brainless, but they just don’t die. Prohibitionists have already lost FOUR ballot box votes in Newton, yet they remain totally detached from reality.
“Opt out” is no longer a “thing.'” These prohibitionist candidates–like anti-abortion candidates–or anti gay candidates, are looking to take away civil rights that have now become established law. They have no respect for the voters, voting rights, or fundamental democratic principles.
Unfortunately for Newton, the prohibitionist zombie’s cannabis policy is barely distinguishable from the position most of of our sitting city councilors, who unanimously voted to ban both medical and recreational marijuana in Newton, before the people of Newton reminded them that democracy actually means something.
I can’t imagine how this could be helpful for Tarik Lucas, Pam Wright, Lisa Gordon or Jennifer Bentley. That’s because it defines them just as likely voters are beginning to get to know them and links them to a position that Newton voters have overwhelmingly rejected more than once at the ballot box.
(It may not be as big a problem for Malakie or Getz, since they’ve had added exposure by this point.)
And @Sarah: Your suggestion that Op-Out “just wanted to give our mailing list a chance to get to know the new faces and decide for themselves who they will support” rings hollow. Otherwise why didn’t your organization not also include the other “new faces” (Bryan Barash, Alicia Bowman, Carolina Ventura, Bill Humphry and Kathy Winters)?
Nope, this feels like there was a litmus test make your list. And again, I’m not sure your group did these candidates any good by linking them with an unpopular cause.
What Bob said. @Greg: you demonize anyone who doesn’t toe the ‘party’ line. Big Marijuana must be very happy with you.
Did Julia Malakie ever express support for opting out? Nothing I can remember, and I can’t find anything on her website. Hopefully she can clarify it here.
The best legacy of Opt Out is if it drove political awareness in local issues, and improves future community participation. But the time for Opt Out itself has come and gone. I want to hear how candidates will handle our upcoming challenges, not about trying to put toothpaste back into the tube.
@Greg, we will absolutely consider alerting our mailing list to events sponsored by the other new candidates you list if they express support for prioritizing public health issues over the needs of the marijuana industry when those conflict.
@Jane, asking candidates whether they support having cannabis bars and cafés in Newton is not “scaremongering.” The state legislature is currently debating allowing city Councils to allow cannabis cafés without a vote by the residents. Newton voters deserve to know if the city councilors will propose or vote for that should that legislation pass.
Given Bill Humphrey’s comment above – ” Rena Getz who said to me last year that it was a no-brainer to legalize retail marijuana in Newton” in contrast to OptOuts support of her as a candidate – it would be helpful for Rena Getz to clarify what her position is/was.