Thanks to Jenn Adams of NewTV, here is the Transit Matters: Regional Rail Presentation, hosted by Councilor Emily Norton (Ward 2 ward councilor). The Transit Matters folks are Jarred Johnson, COO; Josh Fairchild, president and co-founder; and Ethan Finlan, Regional Rail Outreach Coordinator.
Fascinating presentation and important for Newton.
Transit Matters: Regional Rail Presentation from NewTV on Vimeo.
Thank you for posting Sean. Note the spelling is “Ethan Finlan” and he is the Regional Rail Outreach Coordinator for Transit Matters.
Explains why I couldn’t find him on Google! Updated.
Good presentation. Thanks for posting.
The concept of Worcester line (and Newton station) service / schedule improvements as mitigation for the coming Pike reconstruction is an interesting angle, especially since it would mean federal highway funds could be used. I hope the state can be convinced to consider it.
I also found interesting the comment that the capital investment plan line item (for the Newton stations accessibility project) is itself a good thing to have, even if (as in this project’s case) the current allocation of funds is insufficient — that since it’s on the plan, it will be discussed, and is subject to whatever political pressure can be brought to bear.