The prospect of the bar Mary Ann’s — located just over the Newton line at Cleveland Circle — become a recreational marijuana shop  is worrying some abutters  and Boston College Police Chief William Evans.

Meanwhile here in Newton Ward 6 Councilor Greg Schwartz sent the email below yesterday to the Newton Highlands list serve in response to objections about his proposal to add some manufacturing zoning districts to the allowable locations for recreational marijuana shops in Newton

Hello everyone,
 | Newton MA News and Politics BlogI hope you all had an enjoyable and healthy holiday season!  I would like to clarify my proposal regarding zoning for marijuana dispensaries.  It is to ADD manufacturing districts to the list of zoning districts in which these establishments can be placed.  It does not, in the least, REQUIRE “all cannabis stores” to be in manufacturing districts. It simply adds them as an option.  This is intended to increase the flexibility for both the permit applicants and the city council in finding appropriate sites for such stores.  Of course we will take into account lighting and safety of particular sites that are proposed, just as we consider traffic and parking at other proposed sites.  There will be discussion of the proposal at an upcoming meeting of the Zoning and Planning committee – and everyone can debate the merits then.  I would add that there is support for this proposal from around the city, not just Ward 6.  
Best, Greg 
Councilor at Large, Ward 6. Chairman, Land Use Committee