Another in a set of odd campaign communications from Marilyn Petitto Devaney, incumbent Governor’s Councilor, this time, a postcard with photos of the candidate surrounded by many local pols. Here’s the odd part: most of the most famous faces (like Rep. Kennedy, Sen. Warren, and the Mike and Kitty Dukakis) are not listed as endorsements on the back. Does having your photo taken with someone count as an endorsement?
Another questionable mailing from Marilyn Petitto Devaney
by Adam Peller | Sep 1, 2018 | Newton | 22 comments
but wait, you say, that’s Peter Koutoujian right behind Senator Warren, and he’s on the endorsement list. True, but there’s already a picture of Devaney and Koutoujian on the card (bottom-left)
Nick Carter is a candidate with integrity, and I’m honored to be holding one of his signs at the polls on Tuesday morning!
Devaney is one of the last of her kind. She is smart enough to know she’s in trouble, due to her antics, the bad joke that is the Governors Council, and the shifting political landscape that is threatening to leave old-school pols like her left behind. Notice her website now talks about how she’s a check on Charlie Baker, how she’s a reformer, and the historic first justices she has voted for. It’s not believable but she’s smart enough to know which way the wind is blowing. Unless I’m wrong, it would seem to be doubtful that these more progressive folks would actually endorse her if they knew what she has been doing. So including misleading pictures of her with progressive icons and the fact few know (or care) what the council does is obviously an attempt to head off the actual progressive reformers (like Nick Carter) who will ultimately send her into retirement. Maybe not this year, but eventually.
Okay is this supposed to be news or just an attack to support her opponents? News or fake news?
Neither news nor fake news, just an honest reaction to something that landed on my doorstep, and I tried to remain as objective as possible in the post. But the comment section is another story. I’m supporting Nick Carter not just because his endorsements match the photos, but because he’s extremely qualified and well respected.
Dave, Village14 does not claim to be a news outlet. Posts range from opinions, observations, musings, and occasionally a report of something that seems newsworthy. Are you a supporter of Devaney? It would be interesting to hear why people continue to support her.
I really don’t understand how Devaney keeps winning back her seat.
Dave, I second Adam’s question for the same reason.
@ Marti Bowen “I really don’t understand how Devaney keeps winning back her seat
I believe that ends now and Carter takes the seat
Claire, I surely hope so. I thought she would lose last time.
I hope you’re right, Claire!!! (Go Nick!)
She has won her seat over and over because in a crowded field she has been able to prevail. I think her time may be coming to a close.
Uh, are we supposed to believe that we have here an OP and a half-dozen disinterested commenters who just randomly happen to know the details of the race for Governor’s Council, as well as its inside jokes and antics, without being closely affiliated with one of the candidates? I’ve never heard of this woman, and she hasn’t been mentioned in the Boston Globe since 2014.
I’m glad you’re all strong supporters of Carter – after doing a little bit of research I can say he’s definitely got my vote – but in the future if you’re going to post a setup thread in favor of your candidate and try to make it seem authentic, can you at least do it for a race that’s followed by people other than supporters of one of the candidates?
The echo-chamber dynamics of this forum make it easy to get carried away as to what’s plausible and what’s not, and in recent months there’s unfortunately been a proliferation of threads here that come across as implausible flimflams by people with skin in the game.
Michael I had no idea who Carter was or what the governor’s council was until a Carter sign showed up in my neighbor ‘s yard and I decided to find our so I would hardly qualify as a supporter. That said I’m inclined to vote for him
I have no idea who either person is. I cannot vote in this race. This story came up on my phone and I read it. With 30+ years in newspaper field it smelled as a hit piece or an inexperienced writer. Options or support articles should be labeled as such. This is what stinks about the internet ruining newspapers. You don’t get unbiased need just strangers biased opinions or fake news.
Uh, Michael – clearly you’re either very new here or haven’t been paying attention for the past few years… Devaney has been challenged by two different people from Newton in recent elections, and pulled similar stuff with mailers and debates, and got quite a bit of coverage here on V14.
What Tricia said.
Clearly I’ve been living under a rock – every responsible Newtonite should already be instantly familiar with the ideological issues at stake in the race for Governor’s Council, as well as the history of elections for that office over the years. Thankfully, as this thread has authentically proven, most Newtonites are. In fact, I myself was not surprised to learn that the 2020 Governor’s Council debate has already been moved from the Arlington Unitarian Universalist Church to the Conte Forum.
Michael – I’m also a strong Nick Carter supporter. It may come as a shock, but I don’t have a clue who Claire, Dave, Ted, or MMQC are. How on earth could people get together to “set up” a thread with four anonymous posters?
As for the mailing with the candidate standing with well known political folks – it happens in just about every election. The chosen person for the literature is either very well known or a person of color. Very bad form.
She’s in those pictures with all those elected officials because she is everywhere. She does work hard to get to all the events. I don’t believe she has said they endorsed her.
I want to tell you a quick story about her. As some of you know, I ran against her in 2012 and 2014 as an independent. In 2016, I found out I had lung cancer, which prevented me from running a third time. Frustrated, I posted it on my facebook page. It must have got back to her, she wrote me a nice email. I had the surgery in Feb 2017. I saw her at an event (maybe Albermarle field July 4th) she remembered and inquired as to how I was doing. She said that she didn’t want to reach out before her election because she was afraid I would see it as reaching out to get my vote, as opposed to reaching out because she was actually concerned. Quite frankly, not too many people would do that. I’m not saying to vote for her or vote for her because she is nice…Vote your conscience. Nick Carter never even reached out to me, maybe because I’m an independent so he didn’t care about my vote….but whatever.
I’ve always found Marilyn to be a kind and generous person.
I find Toms remarks as extremely conciliatory considering the things he said about Marilyn when he was running against her. No criticism Tom, forgiveness is very healing.
Howard, I’m only telling you what happened. I still don’t like the fact that she voted against a truly qualified candidate based on the fact he was an officer of the ADL. But, whatever.
@Dave Horchak, 30+ years in the newspaper industry. I’m surprised you didn’t take the time to proofread your own post.