This is a guest blog post submitted by Ward 6 City Councilor Brenda Noel
After the city council vote on July 9th on #312-18 “Citizens Petition requesting ballot question on recreational marijuana establishments and its subsequent vote to not allow for it to be on the ballot”, I received several emails accusing me of voting “as a block” with the other female councilors. This offends me to my core- so let’s take a moment to break down that line of thinking.
For what it is worth- it was actually Councilor Krintzman who had the biggest influence on me with my vote on #312-18.
In 2017 Newton voted in 12 city councilors who happen to be female, resulting in a 50/50 gender split for the first time ever on the Newton City Council. As a result of this gender equity, there will be times, when an item gets voted up or down by a council majority that the councilors who happen to be women will vote the same way. It has to do with math, not anatomy. Dismissing the female councilors vote as some sort of conspiracy or secret club undermines the integrity of our votes and dismisses our ability to wrestle with complex issues and think independently.
And while I have you here- it also makes me crazy when folks suggest that the “new councilors” (read women) vote a certain way because we don’t understand the complexity of the issue and/or we have been snowed by more senior councilors and lack the ability to think for ourselves, (yes, I’m talking to you Councilor Cote). Enough already- its offensive.
The only thing all 12 female councilors agree upon is that we demand to be treated respectfully by our colleagues. Other than that, good luck finding consensus among the 12 of us.
Its amazing to me that such a post even needs to be written in 2018 but 2018 ain’t exactly what I had imagined it would be in many ways. How insulting to a group of highly qualified and intelligent councilors who just happen to be women. Thanks for saying what needs to be said, Brenda.
You should be proud of the way you voted on this item. I have a feeling I know how your contender for the ward 5 seat would have voted. Sure am glad it was your vote and not his.
Who was “your contender for the ward 5 seat”? Councilor Noel is the incumbent Ward 6 Councilor.
Brenda speaks truth to power with the best of them. Thank you for your leadership, you’re making Newton a better place for all.
I communicated extensively with you and the other councilors on the marijuana question. Although I was lobbying for Opt Out Newton’s position, I felt that you and the other councilors came to your decisions after much listening, careful thought and good intentions. I’m not sure why they decided to post anything about the gender composition of the votes on this blog to begin with, as that’s irrelevant. It just invites unjust comments , unnecessary speculation and division.
It has nothing to do with gender, but I believe some of the first-term Councilors were hoodwinked into voting for a moratorium, on the pretext that the City needed more time to contemplate zoning for cannabis shops. That initial moratorium passed the full Council without dissent. It’s obvious now the premise was a lie, just a sneaky attempt at a revote by a few seasoned Councilors and the Mayor…
It’s disappointing that there is still not a single City Councilor in Newton who has ever fully supported the 2016 law passed by the voters. When 0% of elected officials support a ballot initiative passed by 56% of their electorate, we have a serious disconnect going on.
Go Councilor Noel!
Hmm. If the gender split on the council is 50/50. Wouldn’t that same vote have had just as much of a men’s bloc? Just wondering …. ;-)
Well said.
Welcome to the world of Newton city politics, where all sorts of conspiracy theories often run rampant!
Love it, Brenda!
I thought it was interesting that the Ward-elected councilors voted against out-out 5-2 (6-2 if you include Allison as a Ward-elect alum), while at-large councilors were nearly equally split.
Way to go, Brenda! Thanks for everything you are doing on the council.
And Jerry Reilly makes a key point.
@Jack – if Allison was elected at large then she counts as at-large, in which case the ward councilor vote was as close to 50-50 as you can get with an odd number. If you insist that ward councilors don’t represent the whole city but at-large ones do, then you have to count Allison as at-large since she was elected city-wide.
Sorry, I meant to say Ward 6.
@Meredith – 4-3 would be closer to 50-50 than 5-2. As I understand it, Marc stated on Ken Parker’s show he would have voted to opt out, so that makes 8-7 at-large and 5-2 ward-elected against opt-out, or 34% more Ward-elected councilors against opt out than at-large. It is only worth noting as falls is in stark contrast to the “NIMBY” label assigned to the ward-elected group of councilors by some in the charter debate.
Actually Jack, by its very definition NIMYism wouldn’t kick in until the deliberations become about specific locations.
Goodness, Jack, move on. Some nasty stuff was said on all sides – continuing the discussion serves no good end.
Brenda, excellent post.
@brenda: Too bad you take everything personal. In new councilors, I included myself as a 2 termer, and of course the 2 new additions in W4 are both males and were included.
Time to move on to the real issues and not try to falsely accuse me of your nonsense.
Sorry this is public, but I didn’t build an impeccable reputation to hear this …………enough said.
Brava, Brenda!
Since when is your reputation impeccable, Jim?
Our local Trump?
@All: Since many of you clearly don’t know me then please email me and we can meet up. As someone mentioned earlier I’m the Forest Gump of City Councilors as given the size of my family and my age I have seen/done quite a bit. Who’s most offended by this post?
1. My 85 year old mother to myself, and 7 siblings, who with her influence, on a police officers salary, instilled values and ideals of community service. 5 of her kids joined the Armed Forces during the Vietnam and Gulf War era. Last evening she laughed and said the Newton people don’t know Jim’s daughters. Swearing and drinking: forbidden in her house!
2. My wife Albie and immigrant from Argentina who is more visible in the community than I; directs a non-profit Educational organization that serves the under served families seeking financial guidance, appointed to the Governor’s Latino Advisory Commission, and is the Vice Chair of the Latino Trust, Milagros para Ninos, Children’s hospital. She asked to meet with the Councilor.
3. Our 5 daughters: #1. ) Naval Officer, Nuclear Power Engineer, holds engineering certifications in her industry never before attained by a woman. Was told by Sen Kerry that he wouldn’t appoint her to the Naval Academy as she was a Worcester Public School student (she has the letter framed), then went on to Captain the girls crew team, and graduate #31 out of 1200 students at the academy. Pitched in the girls little league world series. Navy husband is currently at sea on submarine duty. #2.) Biotech manager in the IT/Data field, graduated from Bentley on a full academic scholarship. Fluent in 3 languages and her husband is an Army JAG Officer. #3.) Development Manager for a Health Center in upstate NY. Tenacious winner of many women’s 1/2 marathons before being diagnosed with a genetic heart defect 6 years ago. High school athlete lettering in 3 sports her freshman year, and a college walk-on field hockey starter, completed her 4 year degree in 3 years. #4.) Strong willed Manager of a Kick Boxing studio who is working on college and business acquisition goals. #5.) Mortgage broker in North Carolina, married to a Marine, opened her own business 1 year ago, super scholar athlete in high school like #3 lettering in 3 sports her freshman year. Pitched in the senior girls world series for the State as 14 year old. (the competition was ages 16-18). High school reputation: When a boy was playing on a competing field hockey team and was aggressively attacking her teammates she took him out when the referee wouldn’t.
Surrounded by these tough women reinforces that everyone is equal in my world. Do you know something, no one in business or City Council has ever heard me swear, see me drink, or make a derogatory comment about anyone!!
@newtoner: that’s disrespectful that you can label people behind a fake name.
For those of us who appreciate the service of both Councilor Noel and Councilor Cote, this discussion is getting very uncomfortable. The thread is now closed.
@Councilor Cote: You are correct about my previous comment being disrespectful, I apologize. I would remove it if I could.